But where else should we go? Can you answer this question?

by purrpurr 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • notjustyet

    It think that they are basically asking "If this is not the truth, then what is?" "What will I use to fill that place in my thoughts that were occupied by the WTBTS teachings, since i have been taught that every other belief is false"

    And that is a fair question to ask coming from a person who's entire belief system is teetering on the edge.

    A person does not have to know what is right to know when something is wrong. Does a battered woman have to know where she is going to sleep tonight to know she is being beaten now?

    Does a person in a burning house not leave the house because they do not know where they will sleep tonight?

    To me, it does not have to be a instantaneous exchange from one belief to another. You find out what you currently believe is wrong and get out,.. then start to slowly look for what is right.

    NJY aka Scummydross

  • TerryWalstrom

    Let's indulge in essentialism for a wee moment, shall we?

    Being Christian is being Christ-like.

    It is a symbiotic / supernatural alignment of different species of being.

    If there truly is an existential reality to God, Christ, and Holy Spirit, we should understand that THEY HOLD ALL THE POWER.

    For us to assimilate the personality of Christ is to take on that power individually and enter a relationship for keeps.

    Your proximate Location has nothing to do with it. Attitude, gratitude, and noble-minded activity will create an environment others will desire to inhabit. You will become the focal point of a Brotherhood just as did Jesus himself.

    Otherwise--this is all just fantasy camp.

  • scratchme1010

    Having watched many JC YouTube videos one question that gets asked is "where else would you go?". In other words if not Jehovah's witnesses then what other religion or organisation would you go to?

    It's one that I have trouble answering, what would you say?

    To me it's not really that deep. That's the oldest trick in the book that cults use to gain converts. True, some people may not have an answer to that question, but what they are doing is throwing a smoke cloud to what I believe is the important thing to consider, which is this: Why are you feeling like you need a place to go? What exactly is triggering that need for looking/finding some place to belong? What need do you have that makes you start that quest? What is missing that makes you feel like you need to ask questions and look for answers?

    Most people address the need to belong somewhere without stepping back a little ans ask themselves why, what are they feeling that many other people don't, that makes them go look for answers? Why do you have to "go somewhere"? Looking for what? Support, company, comfort, answers, a sense of safety from the state of the world, an explanation to their suffering, hope for a better future?

    I truly believe that the most important part is not finding a place to go, but asking yourself why are you looking for a place to go in the first place, and then address the answer to that question.

  • MarkofCane
    It think that they are basically asking "If this is not the truth, then what is?" "What will I use to fill that place in my thoughts that were occupied by the WTBTS teachings, since i have been taught that every other belief is false"

    This is the point..... once you have found that every other belief is false and use that same method on the Watchtower society. Then you are left with only one option. All religion is false.......their is no God.

    Therefore where else should we go is a fallacy, cult speak.....MIND CONTROL. Free your mind from this type of thinking its remnants of mind control.

  • blondie

    And to add to SBF excellent response, Jesus was definitely referring to some human organization.

  • DesirousOfChange

    That line usually comes up when the person you are having the discussion with is forced to "answer a question with a question". In other words, they are unable to give a satisfactory reply to the subject at hand, so they "turn the tables" to their own question (which they think is soooo wise) and which they know has no real answer. Suddenly, the original subject being discussed is forgotten... Gotcha.


  • Lostandfound

    A lost person needs guidance to find his bearings, an enslaved person need liberating, a willing slave may choose to stay where he knows, the JW dilemma , think or be spoon fed . Many JWs have nothing else in their lives and the WT is almost life support for them, they could not cope outside with freedom of thought, action, far easier to go with the flow of sewage.

  • Ding

    The New Testament is all about a relationship with Jesus Christ, not obedience to an organization that claims to represent him.

    Likewise, mature people don't need to earn the "privilege" to hold microphones or to comment at meetings.

  • mrquik

    The answer for JW's is not "where to go" but "when to go". Shooting down 1914 as the beginning or ending of anything is quite easy. That means the "last generation" hasn't started. Which means they're still in the Gentile Times. Which means the one true religion isn't here. Which means Christ is not King of anything. Which means all religions (including theirs) are false religions. Which means they will all grow old & die. Which means: Don't waste a minute of your life slaving after a religion. (Good news; according to JW religion, all who die during the Gentile Times come back. So don't sweat death. And as I always say; Live Well...Enjoy Life!!!)

  • redpilltwice
    First thing to point out is that it's a misquote from Peter who asked Jesus "Lord, whom else shall we go to?" John 6:68
    As usual JWs discursively displace Jesus and put the organisation in his place, so they ask "where" rather than "who".

    I believe Slimboyfat's answer is the only one that might help you to stay out of trouble, if that is your wish. Always be prepared for THAT question. There probably are no other answers that won't get you labeled as a suspicious case, unless you don't give a f*#k about future elder visits, phone calls, thread of jc's etc. Make it VERY clear it is not Christ you want to leave, even if you feel you are agnostic/atheist, because there are always at least some good christian principles that still can have your support, right? Don't make 'em wiser than necessary. Point respectfully to the true meaning of the verse without giving the impression of knowing it better (although you DO know it better ). It sure helped ME when I had to get rid of a few elders during the start of my fade. No, it wasn't Christ, it wasn't the bible (fingers crossed), it was just the pressure of running a family with children (1st reason) and a few questions that needed some more time (2nd reason, always 2nd, never the 1st reason for being weak/discouraged!). Avoid to talk about the "organisation", that is the most sensitive issue, don't give them any ammo (power)

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