The New terroists That The World have To Confront What is the Answer ?

by smiddy 50 Replies latest social current

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Perhaps the following is the answer:

    More armed police on the streets,

    Tighter security at public venues, border controls, etc.,

    Arrest more people who are on the 'watch list' - e.g. FB comments calling for violent campaigns to introduce Sharia law should be regarded as an arrestable offence (treason) that has a long custodial sentence,

    Stop fighters and their families returning from ISIS and areas controlled by other terrorists,

    Get mosques to sign up to anti-terrorist measures (those that refuse should have their charity status revoked and should be denied government funding),

    Step up the bombing campaign against terrorist groups abroad (bomb the bastards).

  • Landy
    Step up the bombing campaign against terrorist groups abroad (bomb the bastards).

    Yeah, that's worked well so far.

  • LoveUniHateExams
    Step up the bombing campaign against terrorist groups abroad (bomb the bastards).

    Yeah, that's worked well so far - yes, it has, I'm glad you agree with me.

    It helped the Kurds defend Kobani, it saved the Yazidi on Mount Sinjar, it helped to drive terrorists from Aleppo.

    It has a track record of working well.

    And do you agree with the other 5 points?

  • LoveUniHateExams

    bearing in mind most islamist terrorists in the UK are " home grown", can anyone tell me what they are trying to achieve? - their long-term aim is to replace our legal system and culture with Sharia (Islamic law).

    One of the banned groups is called 'Sharia 4 UK' ...

  • FedUpJW

    Stop fighters and their families returning from ISIS and areas controlled by other terrorists,

    Agreed. When one of them is arrested for a crime be sure they NEVER get back. The most effective way to fight an out of control range fire is to start a back-fire so there is no fuel for the range fire to use to exist. Does the term "fight fire with fire" ring a bell? Death of the enemy is what this religion of "peace" promotes, and it is way past time for them to be on the receiving end of the exact same treatment by the rest of the sane world. The only way you can clean a building of cockroaches is to exterminate them, not just kill three or four.

  • Simon

    We should, at the very least, hold them accountable when they break existing laws.

    I know that sounds silly, but even now people seem to get away with crimes because they are brown Muslims. It's all part of a constant backing off of tackling people because everyone is scared of being called "racist".

    It needs to stop being a weapon. We need to make accusing people of Islamophobia a crime - the crime of Islamophilia ... promoting hate and terror.

    Anyone who commits terrorism - bulldoze the mosque they worshipped at.

    Stop passively trying to monitor people - if someone is an extremist, execute them.

    Find their family and if they are fanatics, execute them.

    This is a winnable war, but we're going to lose if we refuse to start fighting it.

  • freemindfade

    You cannot ban a religion, thats a wrong solution, it goes against free-speech

    You CAN be honest about its nature and treat it accordingly

    Too many people hold that hurting a Muslims feelings is paramount to young kids being killed by bombs filled with nails and ball bearings at concerts.

    Scientologists & JWs shun... we condemn the religion

    JW dies of refusing blood... we blame the religion

    JWS & Catholics foster and protect pedophiles... we blame the religion

    Islam carries out act of terror... we blame everything BUT the religion

    Time to wake the f-ck up

    Simon is right, I don't know the ultimate remedy, but I know what is helping it, and that is bending over backward to protect the image of the world's deadliest and biggest death cult!

  • cofty

    The total eradication of every vestige of the Caliphate would be an important step. It would be a huge psychological blow to the ideology that drives them.

  • Simon
    Stop passively trying to monitor people - if someone is an extremist, execute them.

    It's already come out that once again, this was someone known to authorities.

    Surely membership of and association with any terrorist group should be a crime itself?

    Playing catch-up will never work - however many attacks are stopped, there will always be one more that succeeds and the consequences are terrible.

  • bohm
    Stop passively trying to monitor people - if someone is an extremist, execute them.
    Find their family and if they are fanatics, execute them.

    I don't want to argue but just understand your view. How do you propose to solve the legal and practical implications of this suggestion such as the constitutionality of death penalty for thoughts/beliefs considered to fall in the "extreme" category and devising appropriate tests to assess "fanaticism" used to determine execution?

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