"But WHY would you want to know those things??"

by stuckinarut2 33 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Finkelstein

    Part of the intent of putting a sheet of righteousness over oneself to repel any information that doesn't support that inherent appealing endeavor, even to uphold the righteousness of an entire organization as what the JWS are indoctrinated to do.

    Look what the Catholics did for so many years in its covering up of child sexual abuse by its own clergy.

    There is a ongoing social agenda by self described Christians (JWS) to create an outward presence of righteousness, look at us we are wholesome good responsible people, we are not like the rest of the evil worldly people.

    Well that's the intent , pretentious as it may be, what comes out of most JWS is something quite the opposite .

  • TheListener

    Kairos, I love the comment you made.

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    Why would you want to know?? Classic JW response, but most don't say it out loud or realize they are thinking it.

    They often apply the scripture about "wanting their ears ticketed" to other religions. Seems to me they are no different.

    On some level, people often want to be lied to and will go to great lengths to punish anyone who brings this to their attention.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Just like in my daily job, I let Management deal with their top issues, I mind my own personal level issues.

    It truly is much better for the mental well being this way.


  • GrreatTeacher
    Until management level issues become your issues, like when they're trying to improve the bottom line by laying you off.
  • Terry
    Why would you want to know those things?

    "If we choose to close our eyes we are choosing to live in darkness."
    Hypocrisy is having one set of values for others and a different set of values for ourselves. If we go from house to door expecting others to listen to disturbing facts--why would we carve out such an exception for ourselves?
  • BluesBrother
    Its best not to research and look at those sort of things - so we don't get upset!"

    So she is afraid of having her faith shaken, afraid of becoming upset, can you imagine the can of worms that might open?

    Much safer to close your mind to criticism, assume it is all vile apostate nonsense and continue happy in the cozy routine of meetings,service and coffee with "the friends"...Never mind that they are supposed to be teaching TRUTH ... A classic case of red pill v blue pill( I never watched The Matrix so I don't know which colour it was)

  • Finkelstein

    The central point to why JWS are mostly dismissive to any wrong doings by the WTS leaders or what actually happens within the organization is that they have been deeply brainwashed into thinking that since this particular organization is being exclusively guided by Jehovah and is chosen organization, therefore its just a matter of time before his holy spirit will correct any apparent realized problem.

    This delusion of course has been propagated and influenced by the very leaders of this organization for its continuing support .

  • 4thgen

    Because she likes it that way...

  • NeverKnew

    A very dear friend tries to guilt me into not sharing TTATT with them declaring that it brings them down, isn't encouraging and doesn't make them feel good.

    Do they care about how the What Does The Bible Teach book make non-JWs feel? And if not, why not?

    But everyone's supposed to make THEM feel good?


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