Why JW's Rave So Much About Conventions

by freemindfade 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Spiral

    Every year I've listened to "the assembly was so wonderful blah blah blah", same this year except..... first one now two have told me (privately) that they didn't really like this year's convention, so serious, scary, they were made to feel uncomfortable.

    Of course, in a group of JWs they would say how wonderful it was.

    Shows that JWs say lots of things out of brainwashing, or out of obligation. What a headache for them.

  • nakanozzi

    Hi freemindfade,

    I translated your story in Japanse, and posted on my blog

    my blog

    It got 116 UPVOTES !! Very well received.

    One JW couple directly told me that they decided not to attend RC this summer, becuse they knew it was worthless. Thanks again.

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