Why JW's Rave So Much About Conventions

by freemindfade 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LifesNotOver

    Even if you tried to forget the Convention, there's always a rehash of it at some meeting several weeks later, where you're supposed to bring the notes you took HA! and bring the important points to mind. Then those who didn't take notes (or, HORRORS! didn't attend, like me) can be made to feel guilty guitier guiltiest! LNO

  • stuckinarut2


    Yes, when one has to tell themselves and others how "amazing" something was, (#bestlifeever etc), then usually it IS NOT!

    Everyone remember the fairy tale called "the emperors new clothes"? The crowd mentality means that followers MUST say only positive things...even if they don't actually see it or agree with it. All it takes though is one innocent comment (like the child in that fairy tale) to say "hmmm, ok, I don't agree".

    Then watch the floodgates of comments open.... (of course they will never admit those thoughts to anyone of power in the org)

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    Why the gushing? Have you ever heard ANYONE say, “mmmm it was ok”?

    The gushing that JW's engage in after assemblies (and other common traits) is pretty much a Textbook example of what goes on within a Religious Cult.


  • ozbrad

    My feelings on every convention.

  • FreeGirl2006

    When I was in, it always bothered me that I couldn't remember much about the "spiritual" food we received and I frankly never once went back over the useless notes I took (snooze fest!). I could tell you in detail what my friends wore, what we talked about, etc. I felt like I must not be spiritual enough and would beat myself up over that feeling, but I would definitely parrot the overused line "best convention ever."

    So glad I am not shackled to that silliness anymore.

  • ToesUp

    They have to rave about the conventions, they don't have anything else to look forward to in life. lol


    Being a JW fu**ing sucks. As previously mentioned, what can Dubs brag about? NOTHING... They are required to brag about "theocratic" activities.

    If you want to puke, just go to Pintrest and search for "Jehovah's Happy People." It's really disgusting. I still believe that everyone should make an account, and counteract their nonsense at every opportunity.

    I remember an excited Eldub coming up to me, after the release of the Silver Sword. He was like a kid with a baloon, so happy.

    Eldub: "What do you think about the RNWT?" 😃

    Me: "MEH.... It has mistakes in it..." 😈

    Eldub: 😢


  • stuckinarut2

    Haha DD!

    And at that very moment, you were in the crosshairs of your elders!

  • Barrold Bonds
    Barrold Bonds

    "This convention was just what we needed"

    "Food at the proper time"

    "You can tell the slave is getting us ready for something coming soon"

    Stuff said at every convention ever.

  • hillfy333

    They are told constantly not to despise Jehovah's spiritual table. Each witness is hanging out for his next spiritual fix. Like a drug dependent junky, the witness just can't wait for the next convention, where puerile indoctrination reassures the down trodden Jdub to greater heights in his spiritually captivated habitat. No wonder each assembly is the greatest, what else can they strive for in their cloistered bubble of reality.

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