It has demons! Burn it!

by smurfette 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • smurfette

    I've heard the screaming ouija board story before! Told by an Elder's wife. Wonder if it was about your sister or if all ouija boards scream when burned in JW folklore.

    My mom's best burning was when she decided to burn all the painings my father had given my brother and I. He was a very prolific and talented artist. It was general knowledge at my hall that my father was demonized as he was a big scary looking biker sort and many of his paintings were of a surrealist style. He even did the occasional flaming skeleton on bike to sell at rallys which JW mom was most fearful of. Anyway when she pitched the paintings into the barrel stove she couldn't fit one all the way in the stove, it flamed up, almost burned the house down, and singed her arms in the process. She declared this proof 'o demons as they had tried to take her with them! My dad gave us more art when he found out & told my mother under no circumstances would she burn these ones or he'd go to the social worker.

  • Austrian

    It's funny how even dubs have their urban legends...

    I remember hearing the one about the smurf getting up and walking out of the kingdum hall. And does anyone remember the DC when they played "Another one bites the dust" backwards??? It supposedly said decide to smoke marijuana. What a joke!!!!

  • smurfette

    Piph- the smurf scare in the 80's is exactly why I chose my name. I think most to all ex-jw's remember the smurf thing. My mom was also extra paranoid about E.T. She said it was because of E.T. being "resurrected" a la Jesus. She smashed my brother's walking ET doll declaring demons and I guess he's haunting the landfill now.

  • drwtsn32
    "Another one bites the dust" backwards

    LOL! I didn't know they did that at a DC! Actually have you played that song backwards? That line *does* sound like "start to smoke marijuana"! But I'm sure it's just some whacky coincidence. Our brains tend to recognize patterns where none actually exist.

  • plmkrzy
    They concluded that the necklace was obviously possessed by a demon.

    LMAO! So, lets see...the shark ate a demon, someone killed the shark and made a necklace out of its teeth. That would explain the nightmares about sharks. hahahaha.

  • MrsQ

    Oh Lordy--

    My mom was super freaked out about this kind of crap. I remember the smurf story--and I give total props to smurfette for her name. That is hilarious. I can't believe such a bunch of hogwash survived for years with a bunch of 'serious bible scholars'. Ugh.

    Also, once at a DC, they mentioned "Stairway to Heaven" as having evil lyrics when played backward.

    My mom was constantly freaking out about demons. The old house we bought was "demonized"--that is why she fell into her depression, see, and had to take medication. Also, some woman she was studying with gave her a necklace and she tried to burn it, but it didn't she was convinced that it was demonized, too.

    I hate this mumbo jumbo voo doo poo poo.


  • drwtsn32
    I hate this mumbo jumbo voo doo poo poo.


    I have heard stories of JWs moving into demonized houses too... usually stuff like books flying around would be a common occurrence. Of course they could have been stoned at the time for all I know.

  • cat1759

    How do you think the society keeps everyone on their best behavior by keeping them afraid of something that is not seen. It seems that there is more faith in demons than there is in God.

    When you fear something as the demons you give them your power. Your mind starts to see thigns that are not really there. Yes the demons play, why not. Fear inspires and encourages them.

    My god my sister wakes up at night because the shower curtain moves and the water comes on in the bathroom, she fears the demons so much that she is allowing them to have her power. My mother threw away all the pictures of me and my children. All the pictures of them growing up because she was having nightmares, actually seeing my father standing at the end of her bed after he died. She blamed it on me as I study astrology and tarot. She still has the visions of dad. My dad spirit just wants her to know he is still around. As his ashes are still under her bed 5yrs later.

    Except the fact they are around, tell them to go away that they are not wanted in your home. Fear just increases their viability.

    I had one here for a couple of months, you know that smell when you walk in a room and past it, smells like rotting garbage. Well one night I just got ticked off and told him to leave because he no longer scared me. It was right after a trip I made to my home town, brought up alot of negative energy, thoughts. I remember some horrible things from that trip and my childhood. We have the power and form to tell them to leave. If we don't run scared.


  • plmkrzy
    It seems that there is more faith in demons than there is in God.

    ain't that the truth

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