It has demons! Burn it!

by smurfette 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • smurfette

    Did any JW's ever sieze anything you owned due to demonic possesion? Did they ever burn anything to free it of demons?

    My mother was and is famous for this. She is often sought out by other JW's who suspect their stuff is demonized which she almost always confirms to be so.

  • Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
    Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.

    Hey smurfee - Is your mother aware of spontaneous combustion?

    cheeses - who thinks she must have 'connections'.

  • Austrian

    I had a friend whose mother would say she was attacked by demons all the time. One time I left my skateboard at the house and she saw the pic on the bottomof the board of a dragon. She then asked her elder husband to rush home to pray while she put the board outside the front door. The next day she told her son she could here the demons flying around the house trying to get in. To stop them she slept on her bed surrounded by bibles. I felt so sorry my friend grew up like this. No wonder he left the house at 16. To this day he has told me she is still obsessed with the whole demon thing. But I think most dubs are...

  • smurfette

    The JW's think she has connections because she was a kinda wiccan before joining. I say kinda because it was really her own concotion of various indigenous and pagan beliefs with a little Irish Catholic on top.

  • teenyuck

    My mom is convinced that demons can come through the computer. Since she believes this, she will believe anything. Though she does shop at thrift and antique shops. Has no problem if it is a bargain. Just if it comes through her monitor!

  • drwtsn32

    When I was a dub some sister related an experience wher she burned a ouija board. While it was burning in the fireplace, it started to scream. Yeah right.

    Also, when I was younger I had a dub friend who would never accept gifts from his grandmother unless they were in an unopened package. Before he had that rule, he accepted a shark necklace from her and had shark nightmares every night. His mom finally through out the necklace and the nightmares stopped. They concluded that the necklace was obviously possessed by a demon.

    So the lesson is that demons cannot possess an object if the shrinkwrap is intact!

  • Hamas

    I knew a brother that threw away his entire selection of reggae records that his father had left him because he thought that some of them were demon 'inspired'.

    lol, I wasn't so stupid, although I must admit that I gave away a couple of CD's because of that.... 12 months later I brought them again. And I did this twice with the same CD.

  • acsot

    What memories! When I was a teenager we lived in a house on the outskirts of town, with a large field behind it. It kinda became "Exorcism Central" back there. A pioneer couple, super zealous, the husband cleaning windows all his life, (still doing it and they're in their late fifties, she has severe back problems but they can't afford physiotherapy or chiropractic treatment or anything that could help) - anyway, they studied with this illiterate woman who was a medium. Her uncle and other members of her family read tea leaves and were into other "demonic" clairvoyant practices. Naturally, this meant of course that this poor woman was totally demonized. Every problem she had was put down to the demons. She was able to eventually learn to read, but her difficulty in doing so was obviously the fault of the demons.

    She got rid of furniture, dishes, gifts given to her by her "demonized" family, all of which was carted off to the field in back of our house and burned. Of course, super-zealous pioneer couple would pray before each bonfire so there was no problem with the stuff burning up, 'cause Jehoover was certainly pleased that they asked him to make sure the terrible demons didn't put their hands in the fire and protect all their precious objects.

    Burning her stuff wasn't good enough however, because she still had problems with the demons. So she had to leave her house and move into an apartment, even get new clothes, 'cause you just can't trust those pesky demons.

    Wel, all her money is gone, she's in a retirement home now and the super-zealous pioneer couple are wreaking havoc with other people's lives in a different assignment.

  • Piph

    ACK! What a horrible story!! *banging my head against a wall*

    Smurfette...your name reminds me of the whole Smurf scare in the 80's. I never had Smurf stuff 'cause there was only one Smurfette and the rest were all men and that irritated me...but anyway...I do remember some of the parents in the congregation freaking out about it and telling Smurf stories like ghost stories, throwing out all their kids' Smurf stuff. LOL

    As an adult, I had a friend who threw out a Police tape because the song "Wrapped Around Your Finger" had the name Mephistopheles in the lyrics. She told me it was a pseudonym for Satan, so she threw the whole tape out. (I looked up the name later and found out it was actually a character in the Divine Comedy, someone who worked in hell or something. So she wasn't even half right...poor thing.)

    I remember being really demon-fixated when I was little. One of my best friends was obsessed with them (I think she actually just liked to scare me) and we were always tearing up things and throwing them away if they looked scary with the lights out. LOL

  • primitivegenius
    we were always tearing up things and throwing them away if they looked scary with the lights out. LOL

    hey i resemble that comment hahahahahaha

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