by Swan 29 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Good for you Swan!! Don't let the bastards get you down.

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    Wow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    don't take no BS Tammy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    go get 'em.

  • avengers

    Hey hey...

    Way to go.!!!! (avengers stand up to applaud)

    You might want to send this post straight to the WT, because even if they monitor this site, they'll never admit to it, so they can always say that they never read it. Just an idea..


  • Dansk

    Good for you, Tammy!

    This forum is definitely perused by Watchtower and sneaky congregation JWs. Whilst I was a MS an elder confided in me that there was "circumstantial evidence" that a fading member of the congregation was posting on the internet, i.e. here! He wouldn't divulge where he got his information "You must understand, I can't tell you that", he said.

    So, I now know that they must also know that I post here! The fading member referred to above is convinced that the elder who lives on the corner of my street is responsible - but we have no proof. Whoever it is is supplying information to the congregation elders.

    Well, as they're likely reading this I'd like them to know that I have information about them. I also have the e-mail address of the elder who has been poking fun at invalids in the congregation. This is the same guy who divulged the juicy bits about a couple having an affair and who had to go before a JC he was sitting on. I also know that while the elders are nosying into people's lives and holding JCs they conveniently overlook the fact that an elder's daughter is KNOWN to be living with a guy. As she doesn't attend meetings they just let the matter lie, while making sure they cause upset to those who have no connections to any elder.

    And regarding the sister who reported my friend for his apostasy, I wonder why she never reported her JW daughter becoming pregnant but conveniently supports her fade!

    Yes, indeed, hypocrisy is rife - but our day will come.


  • freein89


    nicely done. and for the WTBS, we are on to you-two words UNITED NATIONS.


    Oh and by the way WTBS, I pulled almost all of my family out with me, you still have my sister, but the lies will catch up to you and I will get my sister back. Love, Decency and Honor are on our side, on your side you have hate, lies and more lies. Your organization has a lust for power.


  • Zoewrex

    Tammy - Excellent POST! I just went ont he Watchtower.org site and they don't have an interactive message board... hummmmmmmmmm I wonder why? Media attention is ALWAYS a good way to get their attention. A simple media campaign (local news ie: local Christian Group harassing citizens esp. if there's a group of you in the same area with the same problem) may blow their intentions off the map. I've worked in PR for the military for 9 years and have seen stuff like this spin all around.

    Deb - It's former JW's like you (who have pulled their families out) who 'they' are afraid of. Keep fighting!

  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim


    If the WTB&TS did not know anything about "personal business" and everything was going along without problems, you can bet good money that they will know now by your posting. The details are sniffed out by the bloodhounds which work for the borg.

    They will, believe it or not, pull records from your ISP (reference your computer ID number) , get a name and location, and than go from there. The borg dosen't talk much about it. Many big corporations do the same thing in secret. Just like the Government and the IRS and the legal profession. If any media problems, the spin masters go to work.

    Mr. Kim


    Special note to the WTB&TS GB:

    You men know that YOUR time is short. Start making amends for what you have done and all of the suffering you have caused. Don't intice the Horsemen to ride earlier than what has been commanded.

    Mr. Kim

  • reaper/03

    Hi I am new to this site. I was a JW for 47 years, got out in 2001, my wife also got out and was raised in it, she is now 54. We raised our kids in it, and both are married and thankfully they are both out of the borg as well. I served as an Elder for 12 years from the age of 28 and served in most of the positions in 3 congs.

    My mum and Dad were Pioneers for around 25 yrs, and Dad was an Elder for many years, and a Cong Servant before that. I have had my doubts about their evil judging ways for many years. In fact when I was an Elder, I never DF anyone in all that time, because I always thought 'there by the grace of God go I' But I served with some arrogent nasty bits of work, who I would not trust with my Grand Mother.

    Many Guys I knew, when I was a young man, messed around with sisters, and did practically everything they should not do. One of those Guys went to Gilead and served as a missionary. He is now a pompous Elder who sits in judgement of others, even his own DF son, and will not even talk to him.

    It just shows what a controlling 'evil slave' the WTBTS are. Thankfully my wife and I are now Christians, and find the people are so much more open about things, and instead of condemning people, we pray for them.

    So it is great to read about you people who are standing up to the evil cretins. I threatened the Elders in our last cong that if they tried to DF me, I would launch legal proceedings against them, because I was only 7 when I was baptised into the evil cult and my wife was only 12, so we were minors, and could not be held responsible for actions we took as children.

    I have not heard anything back from them since, and that was last August.

    Blessings Don

  • Billygoat

    Tammy! You go honey!

    Reaper/03 - Welcome to the forum! I'm sure you'll find some amazingly similar stories to yours. Grace is an amazing gift!



  • zugzfree

    Way to go Tammy. This is just another example of the hypocrisy of the WTS. They tell us to stay away from sites like this but then give themselves the right to ignore what they tell us. Hey pot, you can't call the kettle black.

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