Pirates! Johnny Depp

by asleif_dufansdottir 23 Replies latest social entertainment

  • asleif_dufansdottir

    Anybody else see this? I really liked it (I don't ask a lot in a movie...escapist entertainment's what I'm after). I thought Johnny Depp rocked as the rather swishy, funny pirate captain. Orlando Bloom is turning into quite the attractive young man...after that last scene, I can see him in Musketeer garb.

    Looking forward to the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (Love Sean Connery)...heard it's not great, but like I said, escapist entertainment).

  • ApagaLaLuz

    I'm on my way to go see it right now. I used to love Johnny Depp during his 21 Jump street and Benny and Joon days. Now it seems the years of smoking and drugs has taken a toll on him, and given him a pretty shot out look now. Cant wait to see if it's going to be worth my money

  • VeniceIT

    heheh I actually saw both those shows tonight. Was rather dissapointed in 'the League of Extrodinary Gentleman' it was an interesting concept though.

    Loved Pirates, Johnny Depp was dead on in this part as soon as he was on the screen you started to chuckle. They movie was a riot I didn't expect so much humor, but it was a great swashbuckling film, and that girl was great too she looked like a younge Brooke Sheilds to me.

    At times it seemed Depp had been coached by Patsy from Absolutly Fabulas ehhehe just the way he'd say things and his mannerisms. He was great and sooo bendy heheh too funny.

    Ohhh and anyone that's been on the ride at Disney would pick up on a lot that was put into the movie from the ride, it was really cute.


  • tinkerbell82

    i think johnny depp makes a perfect pirate! and including bits of the ride was a nice touch, too. i loved this movie.

  • blondie

    Both movies are our list to see soon. I love Sean Connery and Orlando Bloom (LOTR).


  • outnfree

    I ditto Ven's comments. <waves to Venice >

    I picked up on the Tortuga village scenes tying into the DW ride, too, and didn't expect Johnny Depp to be so hilarious -- I'd not seen the trailers and so expected something more serious and dastardly from his role. My daughter and my grand-niece laughed all the way home from NY coming out with "But where's the rum?" at random moments. (Yes, I am old enough to have a grand-niece and really felt it, too, when reading Ven's "that girl was great too she looked like a younge Brooke Sheilds." -- Who else here remembers seeing a young Brooke Shields in Blue Lagoon? lol.)

    Johnny Depp AND Orlando Bloom together! Sheer eye-candy!


  • Xena

    My daughter and I saw it last night....good stuff! lol the scene in the jail with the pirates trying to lure the dog with a bone was from the ride too...one of my favorite parts.

    Johnny Dep? *swoon* lol but then I was a fan from 21 Jump Street too.....

  • waiting

    Tortuga village..........as soon as I saw it I recognized The Pirate of the Carribean ride at Disney World! Rather cheeky of them.

    I loved the movie for just what it was.....a Big Chuckle for everyone. There were actually people clapping in the theater when it finished! It was long....which was nice....because it was 95 degrees outside.

    I think everyone will enjoy it....just don't Think Too Deep. It's fun.


  • waiting

    Oh! I've been a fan of Johnny Dep's since "What's wrong with Gilbert Grape?" It's his eyes.

    But I honestly don't ever remember seeing him funny before....or showing much range of emotion. Always aloof & distant. Great change of pace......but he's still got that look.

    Did y'all ever see "The Man Who Couldn't Cry"....or something similiar? Very good - he plays a very sexy Gypsy during WWII in France. Good film.


  • Xena

    anyone else love him in Don Juan de Marco?

    sorry i just couldn't help myself........

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