Texas Windshield Murder Trial Begins

by TresHappy 186 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • SheilaM
    evil as in evil spirits does not exist. we define some abnormal and brutal behaviours as evil but in reality such behaviours are caused by deranged brains. these are neural/mental diseases and the "patients" should be "treated" accordingly.

    Realist your view is not substantiated my any psychological journals there are people with frontal lobe problems etc. But some are evil even a trained psychiatrist know this, even psychologist know this even thereapists know this. Evil does exist read East of Eden by Steinbeck he explains it beautifully. I am not talking about demons, etc. I am talking about pure unadulturated EVIL. As I said your view is what causes the problems we have.

    Go Wed

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Evil is as evil does.

  • teenyuck
    Evil is as evil does.

    I am with Cassi. Nothing. They get a cot, a toilet, a sink and a shower once a week, anything else is too much. Have you heard of conjugal visits? When a prisoner can screw his wife, it is too much. Deal with it.

  • Realist


    the financial argument is a valid point. nothing speaks against letting prisoners work for their food, TV, computer etc.

    The person who for the sheer fun of it kills? I do not believe that all people who commit violent crimes are insane or have mental problems. There is too much evidence otherwise.

    well a person who killes for fun is metally ill imo. something went terribly wrong in the mind of such an individual.


    Some people are just evil and criminals and should not be alllowed to continue living if they are a serious danger to others.

    evil (as i understand it...a somewhat mystical term) would require a free will which does not exist. to eliminate dangerous individuals in order to protect society is quite different from killing offenders for reasons of hate and revenge. these emotions should not be defended, enhanced or glorified by the state (who should act purely rational).


    Realist your view is not substantiated my any psychological journals there are people with frontal lobe problems etc. But some are evil even a trained psychiatrist know this, even psychologist know this even thereapists know this.

    perhaps we should define evil first. the way i understand the term is that EVIL constitutes a completely free desicion to commit an intentional hurtful act. for instance in the bible the devil is described as evil since he has completely - from a body independant - free will and decides to do bad things.

    i assume from your statement that you are a psychologist so you should know from studies in molecular biology and neuroscience that such a thing as free will does not exist. we are highly complex biorobots and in case of offenders there "simply" are some parameters set in the wrong way. for whatever reason the neuronal networks do not work in a normal way in such individuals. hence they should be viewed as ill not as evil.

    to lock dangerous individuals away, to eliminate them, or to use them for scientific studies is something that can be debated. to propagate hate and revenge against people however is an idiology that fits into the codex hammurabi or the mosaic law but not into a modern civilization.

  • Cassiline
    nothing speaks against letting prisoners work for their food, TV, computer etc.

    I believe if a person murders, rapes commits voilent crimes and are convicted of such they should NOT have the right to live as society does with amenities such as computer, TV, conjencial visits, etc. That is an outrage IMO.

    Since they took so much away from their victims such as innocence, peace of mind, life, and in some cases sanity they should have the basic necessities of life period. They IMO should not be allowed to enjoy anything and making their stay in prison easier with these items is IMO what make some want the death penatly.

    Who the hell cares if you commit a crime these days, why not go to prison live behind bars have the taxpayers pay for it? Or afforded the oppertunity to work behind bars and get to enjoy things that they should be without IMO.

    That reasoning does not make sense to me. If you commited the act of murder, rape, pedophilia, etc., then you should have all types of pleasure and amenities stripped from you.


  • Realist


    If you commited the act of murder, rape, pedophilia, etc., then you should have all types of pleasure and amenities stripped from you.

    in your opinion what is the purpose of letting them suffer?

    i completely understand that victims want revenge. if someone would rape and kill my girlfriend i would do everything to inflict the most painful death on the offender. BUT the state has to be rational! vicitms or relatives of victims should get psychological counseling and hate and revenge should not be propagated in the society. the more hate and revenge is allowed the more barbaric society gets.

  • wednesday
    i completely understand that victims want revenge. if someone would rape and kill my girlfriend i would do everything to inflict the most painful death on the offender. BUT the state has to be rational! vicitms or relatives of victims should get psychological counseling and hate and revenge should not be propagated in the society. the more hate and revenge is allowed the more barbaric society gets

    U are so wrong Realist. That is exactly what is wrong with society today, too liberal. We should remember the evil crimes people commit and remove them from our societies. those which are extremely evil and beyond repair, shoudl be put to death, like the animals they are.

  • Cassiline

    If you commited the act of murder, rape, pedophilia, etc., then you should have all types of pleasure and amenities stripped from you.

    in your opinion what is the purpose of letting them suffer?

    i completely understand that victims want revenge. if someone would rape and kill my girlfriend i would do everything to inflict the most painful death on the offender. BUT the state has to be rational! vicitms or relatives of victims should get psychological counseling and hate and revenge should not be propagated in the society. the more hate and revenge is allowed the more barbaric society gets.

    In your opinion someone without computer, phone, TV and sex are suffering? These criminals are afforded more then those people in poverty in the USA. Some people are not living in poverty and can't afford these items. Yet, we as taxpayers are assuring they are living with what fellow citizens are not able to have, and those "poor fellow citizens" are paying for criminals to have amemities (through taxes) and can't have it themselves.

    I don't see why, they as criminals should be afforded amenities when they have commited heinous crimes. The stripping away of their pleasures is something they should be guranteed when they commit such acts. Not having a TV,computer, phone, is not suffering, it is paying for your crime.

    Hey, why not have all criminals live in the counrty club prisons which are afforded to the "privledged people"? This is horrible, IMO that people think that murderers and those who rape babies should be allowed to have such items when they are a menace to society.


    ps sorry this is so huge, I have tried to edit it to make the type smaller and it wont change font size.

  • Realist

    i slowely get the impression i am pretty alone on that one


    U are so wrong Realist. That is exactly what is wrong with society today, too liberal. We should remember the evil crimes people commit and remove them from our societies. those which are extremely evil and beyond repair, shoudl be put to death, like the animals they are.

    hmmm that is pretty much what i was saying. dangerous individuals should be locked away. but NOT for reasons of revenge or hate but merely for protecting society.

    that society is liberal has little to do with the crime rate.


    In your opinion someone without computer, phone, TV and sex are suffering?

    that depends on the situation. what do you have in mind for them? a 10 feet * 10 feet cell room with absolutely nothing to do? that would indeed constitute a very cruel punishment.

    Hey, why not have all criminals live in the counrty club prisons which are afforded to the "privledged people"? This is horrible, IMO that people think that murderers and those who rape babies should be allowed to have such items when they are a menace to society.

    exaggerations don't help.

    i am right that in summary your argument is that any tax dollar is wasted on these criminals?

    in this case why is it not ok to let them work for their TV, computer, books, etc.?

  • Realist

    PS: Cassi, are you still up or already up??? what time is it for you know???

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