The Mueller Report....will it affect Trump negatively?

by minimus 107 Replies latest jw friends

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro


    While I don't normally comment on political threads, I have to say something about your question:

    Can you exonerate someone who has not been found guilty?? Exonerate them of what???

    Do you not understand English? The word exonerate means to absolve from blame. It literally means finding innocent of a particular charge. Not "not guilty" which just means not meeting the legal standard for guilty. But innocent or wrongly charged.

    I'd like to read the whole report but honestly the back and forth between the left and right is so silly. When the Democrats are in power, the Republicans scream about abuse of power. When the Republicans are in power, the Democrats scream about abuse. The reality is they are both right.

  • Simon
    The Special Counsel states that 'while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.'

    That reads like "well, we didn't find anything but we want to think of him as guilty oh so much!"

    They do not have the ability to "exonerate" anyone or not, that is a meaningless line meant as a crumb to the believers, probably an attempt to prevent them being lynched by the left.

    If he didn't commit a crime, then there is not exoneration necessary - it's word games and the media and it will be all that the fake-news leftist media report.

  • minimus

    Doubting Bro, my response is exactly what Simon said. Couldn’t say it any better or cleat!

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower
    They do not have the ability to "exonerate" anyone or not, that is a meaningless line meant as a crumb to the believers, probably an attempt to prevent them being lynched by the left.

    You nailed it. Lets face it politics is a dirty business right or left. Don't expect to find truth where there is prejudice for the cause, right or left. Is Mueller a democrat BTW? Is he a lefty? Take the Lewinsky thing what was behind that whole thing, the guy gets a blow job by a intern over 18yr old, so what? don't make a federal case out of the whole dam thing.

  • minimus

    Mueller is a republican

  • Simon
    the guy gets a blow job by a intern over 18yr old, so what? don't make a federal case out of the whole dam thing

    Apart from it being a terrible abuse of power and a pointer to the character of the man portraying himself as a devoted family man, it wasn't the issue itself, the real issue was his lying about it under oath to congress.

    The programme about it on HBO at the moment has been very interesting - what was happening behind the scenes etc... and all the people involved. I have more sympathy and admiration for Monica Lewinsky now and far less for Clinton than I had at the time now that I know more about what went on. I used to think it was not that big of a deal, just 'Mercans being puritanical. It's not, it's a flagrant abuse of power, maybe the ultimate example of it.

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    Mueller is a republican thanks for that Min.

    So I think we can rule out leftist being behind this investigation and maybe see it as the guy just doing his job. So what about the FBI protecting Hillary is that some type of leftist leanings? Trump comes clean or excuse the term "exonerated" by the FBI of any Russian undo influence, I think the FBI deserve some kudos if you ask me whether you are a lefty or a righty. I'm amazed at the US justice system to tell you the truth, and that don't happen often in my imagination.

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    Simon I don't know? A lot career politicans have mistresses it should never really be a big deal as to how they are going to govern. every side would like to put their own spin on it. I just feel that using those things to judge one who carries the president may not be making a sound argument for something is wrong with his way of ruling.

  • Simon
    So I think we can rule out leftist being behind this investigation and maybe see it as the guy just doing his job

    Mueller was called in to do the investigation, he didn't decide to start it or feed the press BS for 2 years.

    A lot career politicans have mistresses it should never really be a big deal as to how they are going to gover

    She was a young intern and he took advantage of her, using his position as the most powerful man in the country. Other women claim he took advantage of them too, some being raped.

    It is a big deal. His wife covered up and threatened the women, then ran for President and started a whole "I was robbed, it was my turn" pity party. So it's still a big deal.

  • minimus

    No kudos for the fbi in my book, They have shown themselves to be very corrupt ... right from the top down.

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