Easy, sleazy bimbos

by YoursChelbie 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • YoursChelbie

    We all know at least one. They're in the work place, at social gatherings. They are just about everywhere that men are--- including the internet. They hit on single men, married men, old and young. Theirs is a game and an inflated ego the prize. The majority of the time, people get hurt.

    The question I have is: What ultimately prevents a "taken" man from giving in to a sleazy woman's advances? For example, is it possible for a man already in a relationship, to turn down an attractive fellow employee who makes passes at him and lavishes attention on him? Can a man's sense of commitment be enough to prevent him from being a two-timer? Does the whole matter depend on the extent of his love and devotion to his significant other?

    I'd like to hear honest responses from the men of this forum.



  • DJ

    This ought to be interesting...lol....I'm gonna get my popcorn>>>>>>>

  • nilfun
    What ultimately prevents a "taken" man from giving in to a sleazy woman's advances?

    If he "gives in" isn't he just as much a "sleaze"? Like attracts like sometimes...

    For example, is it possible for a man already in a relationship, to turn down an attractive fellow employee who makes passes at him and lavishes attention on him?

    Not if he's a man-whore.

  • teenyuck

    I have to agree....

    They're in the work place, at social gatherings. They are just about everywhere that men are--- including the internet. They hit on single men, married men, old and young. Theirs is a game and an inflated ego the prize

    I can think of a few off the top of my head (no one on this forum of course...)

    OTOH, we have the male equivalent....the HIMBO:

    Any woman who has reached the pinnacle of Heartless Bitchiness, has had to deal with (and may even have gone out with) a "Himbo" or two in her life. For those who aren't familiar with the term, Himbos are the male equivalent to Bimbos...
    We are talking about the kind of guy who is so good-looking, that when he walks into a room, everyone, (men and women, both) notice him. The kind of guy people call "devastatingly" handsome.

    Though she will acknowledge how physically attractive a himbo is, a woman with brains will want to whip out the crucifix and garlic if the guy comes anywhere near her. God knows, you don't want to be seen talking to him, lest someone think you are like one of those dippy groupies he generally has hanging all over him...

    Some may call us Jaded, but I'd just say we are Experienced.

    I KNOW there are the rare individuals out there who don't fall into this "Himbo" category, but let's face it, the vast majority DO, as I will articulate in detail. Grant me my hyperbole - this is, after all, a "rant".

    Heartless Bitches know that these "Himbos" always seem to have one or more of 3 fatal personality flaws:

    1. No Personality - his looks have always paved the way for him, so he never developed a personality, or brains, or wit, or charm... "I looked into his beauuuuutiful blue eyes, and guess what I saw? --- The back of his head!"
    2. Obnoxiously Arrogant - Every chance he gets, he lets it slip how many babes are just waiting in the wings for him, and how lucky you are to have his attention. He EXPECTS that women (or men, depending on his sexual preferences) are going to be attracted to him, and offer him preferential treatment. Of course, the root cause of this arrogance is clearly insecurity, which is equally unattractive.
    3. Hugely Insecure - He really is a Nice Guy(tm), but all his life he has had to contend with people attracted to him for his looks. Now he is never sure if people really like him for the person he is... Generally, it's been the shallow and immature people who come on to him (for his looks), so he has had more than his share of bad relationships, which supplies him with more (emotional) baggage than your average passenger train. Of course, this gives him the right to act like a total jerk when his insecurities flare up.


    What ultimately prevents a "taken" man from giving in to a sleazy woman's advances? For example, is it possible for a man already in a relationship, to turn down an attractive fellow employee who makes passes at him and lavishes attention on him? Can a man's sense of commitment be enough to prevent him from being a two-timer?

    A man with self-esteem, respect, ethics, morals, committment, loyalty, common sense....I can think of so many more. When men (or women) cheat, they lose all of the above and more. And they deserve any repercussions they get.

    I think Lorena Bobbitt had the right idea...

  • xjw_b12

    YC: You directed the question to men, but don't be surprised if you get more responses from the female posters ! LOL

    For example, is it possible for a man already in a relationship, to turn down an attractive fellow employee who makes passes at him and lavishes attention on him?

    It depends on what head you're thinking with.

    " Because if the head between your legs gets hard, the head on your shoulders gets soft "

  • nilfun

    Okay...maybe my "man-whore" comment was a painting with too broad a brush...

    After all, he could be in an open marriage...and just hasn't told his wife yet...

    Benefit of the doubt, people...benefit of the doubt....

  • DJ

    Ladies......hush and just watch, will ya? You can talk during the commercials.

  • Mecurious?

    Good question! I think it can be done. But, only if one is not selfish and egotistical. It can be difficult for a man to resist a very pretty woman. Every person has his or her "type". Honestly, I know some men (women too) who have affairs all through their marriage. Usually the significant other finds out and all hell breaks loose. The man or woman promise's not to do it again and all is fine until they slip up again.

    Does the whole matter depend on the extent of his love and devotion to his significant other?

    Nope. It depends on a whole host of things, Love for the other person, kids, family etc. And it depends on how each person feels they are being treated. People who don't get along very well are more susceptible to having affairs. Personally, I have never had an affair and never will. It must be devastating to have been cheated on. Contrary to popular opinion women may be more likely to cheat than men: http://www.dadi.org/wmncheat.htm


  • NeonMadman
    What ultimately prevents a "taken" man from giving in to a sleazy woman's advances?

    A personal sense of morality?

    Sufficient love and respect for his mate that he would not hurt her in that way?

    (Or, in other marriages) Bobbit-o-phobia?

  • Nosferatu
    They hit on single men, married men, old and young. Theirs is a game and an inflated ego the prize. The majority of the time, people get hurt.

    I refer to these women as "Attention Whores". These are the women who feed off the attention of any man who is willing to give it to them. They are well experienced in how to get attention from men. A little bit of flirting will get them free drinks, free cigarettes, and even money.

    The question I have is: What ultimately prevents a "taken" man from giving in to a sleazy woman's advances?

    If a man has learned nothing from his dating experience, he shouldn't be involved exclusively with any woman, until he gains some experience. If a man doesn't give in to a woman's desire for attention, she will quickly give up and find another man who is willing. A man has to be strong enough to turn the woman away. If he doesn't, he is likely to encounter problems. Most of these women don't want sex, they want drama or they're gold-diggers.

    For example, is it possible for a man already in a relationship, to turn down an attractive fellow employee who makes passes at him and lavishes attention on him?

    If he's knowledgeable of what's happening, then yes.

    Can a man's sense of commitment be enough to prevent him from being a two-timer? Does the whole matter depend on the extent of his love and devotion to his significant other?

    I doubt it. His total knowledge of women will prevent him from being a two-timer. If a man allows himself to be sucked in by an attention whore by allowing it to continue, it's his own damn fault. The man has the ability to put a stop to the nonsense. All he needs to do is laugh and say "Nice try", and walk away. Two things can happen from this. Either the Attention Whore will find another victim, or she'll see him as a challenge and try harder to get his attention. The man has to protect himself against her because her intentions are destructive. In my opinion, it's not worth putting your family and your finances at risk for a bit of attention from an attractive woman.

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