Back to the Meetings. It's Offical!

by pistolpete 77 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Gorb

    Remember, most of the Europeans are expecting a nuclear war is at hand any moment now, so the KH will be full with visitors. Many faders and pimo will be there again. Europe is in war modus now.


  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere


    Interesting. In the US even we gun nut types think biden and friends are pushing war profits. Putin is old KGB but if our neighbors surrounded us with cocked guns we would react.

    The truth about biolabs, bribes will never come out. My opinion is putin used thermo bombs to destroy the germs.

    Sorry, not trying to hijack the thread returning is the most interesting on here for a long time

  • BluesBrother

    This announcement yesterday surprised me and a lot of others . I understand that in the U S the pandemic is viewed as nearly over , perhaps that is the driver of it, but that only proves the accusation that the Borg is too USA centric.

    In the U.K. new infections have risen this week by a staggering 50% ! We have 12000 in hospital with it and deaths are between 100 and 200 every day. The government have relaxed restrictions but that is seen as due more to do with politics and the economy, than medical advice

    So it is the timing that surprises and it being a global thing rather than gradually as conditions locally allow. I know of at least two older ones who separately say they flatly refuse to attend until it’s over.

  • St George of England
    St George of England
    but that only proves the accusation that the Borg is too USA centric.

    Exactly. It is not over here in England and hopefully the Branch Office will use some common sense before allowing KH meetings to resume. Regionally, here in the SE the infection rate and death rate has been well above the national average all the time the GOV.UK site has been reporting statistics.

    Last night people at the ZOOM meeting were ecstatic about getting back until the congregation secretary reminded them we may not be back by 1st April, it depends on direction from the branch office. That did little to quell the excitement however.

    Atlantis provided the two files on hybrid meetings and I think that is the way forward for the future. The young and fit can go to the KH and hug each other all they want. Those of us older and wiser (?) can stay at home with a cup of cocoa!


  • Diogenesister
    St. George + BB It is not over here in England and hopefully the Branch Office will use some common sense before allowing KH meetings to resume. Regionally, here in the SE the infection rate and death rate has been well above the national average all the time the GOV.UK site has been reporting statistics.
    Atlantis provided the two files on hybrid meetings and I think that is the way forward for the future. The young and fit can go to the KH and hug each other all they want. Those of us older and wiser (?) can stay at home with a cup of cocoa!

    Just to say fully agree! In my boys school infections have rocketed and in the past that's been a good barometer for London rates which are also very high.

    Please advise elderly & vulnerable in the UK at least to EXERCISE CAUTION!

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    I would put it at new york city centric. Every directive followed the misinformation from that area. It never fit the situations in the rest of the USA.

    Rumor mill has one congregation going hybrid, heated elders meetings in shared halls over who gets stuck with afternoon. Interesting that a hall across town has the "original" congregation cherry picking times and letting the others take the leftovers. Fallout from selling off and reassignment to an already crowded hall. Glad to not be over there, their elders make my bunch of idiots look good.

    If they go back to the phone patch at least it is portable so I can wander as I pursue my hobbies to stay awake. I have to listen to take care of my pimi wife.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    We had a letter read at the mid-week meeting asking if any brothers have spare property the WT Society can use. It is for LDC members and possibly displaced brothers. Any empty property including holiday homes or annexes but must be in good condition.

    Also spare capacity in home though the head of the house must decide on the risk to any elderly/vulnerable in the household.

    If there is still a risk, which of course there is, why even ask. No mention of rental rates of course!


  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    St. George

    You and could get together for an ale and have have good laughs. Too far though.

    Vacation property bought on pioneer wages.? I have a tent and caravan in the garden (trying out my English words)--in the 50s we really did do that for conventions with one bathroom, 3 or 4 families. Maybe out a few in the gaelic pidgin language translating home.πŸ˜—

    The repair and safety concerns are unhappily a comment on the state of the brotherhood.

  • StephaneLaliberte

    I'm actually happy about this... I won't need to hear the meetings my parents listen to.

  • Simon

    I remember the first day back at school after the summer holidays.

    I'd walk up the street so slowly, like half "pioneer speed", so barely detectable movement.

    This is the same feeling I would have if I had to go back to the meetings, and I suspect what many of them are going through right now.

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