What are the biggest holes in evolution?

by shadow 133 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Where is your evidence to the contrary? - I think you're wasting your time, I'm afraid.

    Those that persistently demand for evidence at every juncture on an evolution thread, suddenly go quiet when asked to provide evidence for alternative theories/beliefs.

    Sometimes, they even fail to acknowledge that scientific 'physical' evidence is the only type of worthwhile evidence ...

  • redpilltwice
    If you want to read about the holes/weaknesses of T.o.E., I'd suggest Stephen C. Meyer's books "Signature in the Cell" and "Darwins Doubt". He's a philosopher of science who makes a case for an intelligent designer without being religious or dogmatic.
  • cofty

    Intelligent Design is nothing more than creationism dressed up in science-talk in order to get around the laws in the USA about promoting religion in schools.

    Every single argument in Meyer's books has been thoroughly refuted.

    He is a main player in the Discovery Institute which accidentally revealed its agenda in the "wedge document".

    The thorough dishonesty of the ID movement was exposed in Kitzmiller v Dover School Board.


  • redpilltwice
    Cofty, for someone who wasn't aware of Francis Collins, you sound a bit too convincing. Have you ever considered Meyers work on the Cambrian Explosion? I doubt it. Have you ever read the counter arguments against Tiktalik? I did! I'll be back at you later, ok?
  • redvip2000

    if you want to read about the holes/weaknesses of T.o.E., I'd suggest Stephen C. Meyer's books "Signature in the Cell" and "Darwins Doubt".

    I wouldn't bother. Signature in the cell is not about evolution, but about abiogenesis.

    Darwins Doubt can be summarized as this: "Hey doesn't the fact that so many new species seemed to have appeared during a certain period according to the fossil record, indicate that they coudn't have evolved?"

    No it doesn't indicate that, because you are choosing to ignore the fossil record prior to that period.

  • cofty
    for someone who wasn't aware of Francis Collins... - Redpill

    What are you talking about? I have been aware of Francis Collin's work for years.

    Have you ever considered Meyers work on the Cambrian Explosion?

    Yes it's bullshit. I spent a lot of hours reading both sides of the subject a while ago when somebody raised it on the forum.

    Here is a definitive refutation.

    "Stephen Meyer's Fumbling Bumbling Amateur Cambrian Follies"...

    Please read it thoroughly.

    initially Amazon.com put it in their “Paleontology” category. But just a week ago, they removed it and moved it to “Religion & Science.” Apparently, the huge negative backlash from REAL paleontologists made them reassess it. Now if they could only move it over to “Fiction”, where it truly belongs…

    Have you ever read the counter arguments against Tiktalik?

    Yes it was pathetic.

  • redpilltwice
    Oh, and beware of Ken Miller if you thought that the D.I. has a hidden agenda.
  • slimboyfat

    I'm sure Cofty has heard of Francis Collins.

    I came across this really interesting video for creationism yesterday. He reminds me of Stephen Lett, except not as crazy, and a bit more sure of himself.


  • cofty

    redpill seriously what were you talking about when you said "for someone who wasn't aware of Francis Collins"?

    And what does "beware of Ken Miller" mean?

    He is a christian theistic evolutionist. His science is sound.

    He has utter contempt for Meyer and his partners in pseudoscience at the Discovery Institute.

  • slimboyfat
    I don't know about evolution in its entirety, but as for unguided evolution, I've sometimes thought that examples of convergence in nature might tend to indicate theistic guidance rather than natural selection alone.

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