2016 Calendar: Give us more money!

by wifibandit 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wifibandit
    Just got a peak at the 2016 calendar and I cannot tell you how much it bothered me. It's all about constructing new KH and assembly halls, which is completely ironic given that the construction stopped almost worldwide.
    Obviously this is proof that the borg is shifting from a magazine publisher to a real estate conglomerate, no wonder they're getting rid of 12 issues of magazines all together.

    Now, while the PDF of this is not up on the site yet, I will post confirmation as soon as it becomes available. Weather that is by legitimate means or other wise.

  • pixel
    Great job wifi!
  • John Aquila
    John Aquila
    You know, I heard from some JWs attending the K-hall in another part of the city and were having the CO's visit, that the Society is getting geared up for a massive Kingdom Hall and assembly hall construction next year. They told the publishers; "GET READY"
  • pepperheart
    Might it be give us your money NOW and then in "due" time we might think about building somthing.Also might it mean building a kh in a rough part of town and selling a kh in a very nice part of town,
  • Sabin
    I tell you what I think they are doing. Getting rid of a load of Bethelites doing up there rooms, ready to offer holiday accommodation to JW`s . They got all the facilities there ready to go. If it`s all done on a gift of money or you pay via the congregation & go through the elders so it get`s sent as a donation, that`s the loop hole to get out of calling it a motel. Only those who are pioneers/ Ms/ elders, get the privilege, who is going to question it. It`s makes sound business sense to me, it would be a real money spinner. & everyone will say see how loving our brothers are to the one`s who have made so many sacrifices to serve the congregations, they have made sure they can afford to have a holiday. The one`s working there will still be doing so voluntarily serving their bro`s & sister`s. Bloody hell it`s perfect. I bet you that`s the road they go down.
  • wifibandit
  • ToesUp
  • pixel
    Thanks! That's crazy.
  • redvip2000

    wow. It really shows you the current shift of the business model of the Borg. They know that magazines are simply not going to cut it in this digital age. This is it ! This is their new product.

    This is not as easy to sell to the publishers though. With magazines it was easier, each publisher got them from the counter, and that in itself was a reminder to contribute. Now it's different, they will need to place the need in front of the publishers eyes constantly - this is a good example. Also expect tons of meeting parts about the need of new halls around the world.
  • brandnew

    How is there a need for kh's , if there is no increase in publishers?

    I really dont hear booming numbers of newly baptized .

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