Canada - Abuse allegations in Newfoundland casting a cloud over Jehovah's Witnesses

by OrphanCrow 32 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • OrphanCrow

    Abuse allegations in Newfoundland casting a cloud over Jehovah's Witnesses
    Allegations of abuse involving two members of the Jehovah's Witness religious movement in Newfoundland have emerged, though details of the charges are protected by a court-ordered publication ban.
    CBC News has learned that a former volunteer church elder and his son are facing charges.
    The former elder is charged with sexual assault and sexual exploitation relating to allegations dating from 2009 to 2012 in central Newfoundland.
    According to court documents, a second man is charged with sexual assault, with the information referencing a period between May 2011 and December 2013 in a community on the Avalon Peninsula.
    CBC News has confirmed that the pair are father and son.
    A sexual exploitation charge involves anyone in a position of trust or authority who commits an offence against a young person.
    The matter involving the older accused was called at a provincial court on Wednesday.
    It was set over until next month, when a date is expected to be set for trial.
    The younger accused is scheduled to make a court appearance later this month.

    Read full article at link.

    *Note the very last sentence in the article. Simon Picard gets his chance to give a plug for the jw website - complete with a link to it. F**king bastard...using an abuse allegation to promote the I think CBC needs to be brought up to speed about their tactics...however, do see that the Australian inquiry story is linked to on a sidebar as well. I hope people read it too.

  • Introvert 2
    Introvert 2
    Good, sending this CBC to the elder that is handling my DA request, thanks !
  • OrphanCrow

    Glad you can use this information, Introvert.

    I have been wondering when the shit storm would hit Canada. This may pick up some momentum.

    The potential stats are a bit alarming If you do a comparison between Canada and Australia - which would be pretty fair, considering the similarities in the two countries' structures and demographics. Canada and Australia have similar law systems and their ties to Britain are much the same. They are comparable in size, with Canada having the larger population. Canada has close to 36 million and Australia is almost 24 million.

    When it comes to the JW demographics, Australia has 797 congregations and Canada has 1397: Australia has 66, 753 publishers and Canada boasts 114,123 publishers. (I took these numbers off Wiki...I don't like going to the JW website...).

    Anyways, what I am getting at is that the potential for Canadian abuse cases is pretty high if you do the comparison. There are over 1000 unreported pedophiles within the JWs in Australia and it could be even more in Canada. The cultures of the countries themselves are too similar and so are the JWs for there not to be.

    CBC has given coverage to the Australian inquiry and the story was picked up by the newspapers across the country. My dad read the article at the time and we discussed it. I told him that I was so, so happy that he left back in the early 70s before he became an elder. He was pretty quiet - it was a sobering thought for him.

  • Introvert 2
    Introvert 2

    Thanks Orphan, great points. Yeah for sure. Offhand I know of at least three abuse cases that happened over the past couple years. One ended in death with the little brother purposely getting run over on an unlit portion of the highway. The whole things stinks big time. I also linked said elder Barbara A's article on JW's obstruction to the truth with reference to the proclaimers book. And when I asked for my DA yesterday I mentioned the ARC, Jackson lying under oath and the elder's pathetic evasive testimony. I think my elder is in major denial have not heard back. I don't think he has the balls to deal with any of it right now. But I left the door open, told him I would help. Time will tell. I didn't sleep very well last night, but as the days go on it was well worth it and my emotions will settle down.

  • OrphanCrow
    Introvert: Offhand I know of at least three abuse cases that happened over the past couple years. One ended in death with the little brother purposely getting run over on an unlit portion of the highway. The whole things stinks big time.

    ??? Are these incidents that have been in the news at all? Publicized, or private?

  • Vidiot

    Jeezus H. Kreist; six months ago, there was a new report every week.


    These days, it seems like it's almost every f**king day.

  • Introvert 2
    Introvert 2
    The kid was into drugs, came from a JW broken home very sordid complex story and the rich grandparents paid hush money was only mentioned on local news names withheld. Typical JW cover your ass tactics. I knew the little guy well, he was 18 when it happened high on booze and dope, living with some other buddies in an apt.. I heard that his party animal buddies felt the little bro had NO limits to what he would do. OUT OF CONTROL RIP little guy.
  • emmanuel-goldstein
    Anyways, what I am getting at is that the potential for Canadian abuse cases is pretty high if you do the comparison. There are over 1000 unreported pedophiles within the JWs in Australia and it could be even more in Canada. The cultures of the countries themselves are too similar and so are the JWs for there not to be.

    Numbers calculated here. (See the global numbers)

    Stay tuned.

  • just fine
    just fine

    I know of a "brother" In Southern Ontario Canada, who abused several young girls, even his own nieces. I knew the nieces family back then, it was so sad. The girls were emotional wrecks. 20+years ago

    i think one of his victims did kill themselves. I have been waiting for that one to become public.

  • flipper

    ORPHAN CROW- Thanks for posting this article link of yet more JW child abuse incidents in Newfoundland . The nerve of the child abuse victims JW father to state in a '"forgiving " tone , " Things happen. We're all human. No matter what religion you're of, things can happen. " I wish somebody would stick some Voodoo pins in this idiotic JW father's brain and put a curse on him. Wait a minute- he already has Voodoo WT pins sticking in his brain - one thing that makes him make brain dead , making insensitive comments concerning his JW daughters rape. Normal "humans " don't rape children. OMFG ! Where do these people COME from ?

    Then a quote from the news report itself ! This - " They ( Jehovah's Witnesses ) also follow strict rules that prohibit, among other things, sex outside of marriage...... " Uh-huh , yeah, right. Unless of course it's an adult having sex with a minor child that they aren't married to - that somehow gets hushed-hushed being " handled " very quietly in back rooms of kingdom halls.

    And then the stupid elder who gives the same old excuses and rhetoric we hear time after time saying - " We do abhor this kind of wickedness, blah, blah, blah, ........ we do our best to protect our children, blah, blah, blah.......... " Fucking idiot. The freaking realize that you have HAD these elders and child molesters INSIDE your congreagtions for YEARS ! Take STRONGER measures to protect children ! These aren't people who " sneak into " congregations in a secretive fashion- these pedophiles have been and ARE among you for years ! And many times you know it and WT leaders know it and won't do a damned thing about it ! Nobody to blame but WT Society leaders and their policies and individual elders who won't be real humans and stand up for children being sacrificed and sexually abused ! O.K. I'm done. Need my blood pressure pill now

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