Can you openly express doubts in the congregation these days?

by Elena 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TonusOH

    It is during times when they have messed up that they are more likely to want to crack the whip. This is what happened after 1975-- they had a witch hunt that ended with the removal of several people (including Ray Franz) because they wanted to clean up the org from the inside. Maybe the recent removal of Morris and the new additions to the GB are part of a strategy to clean things up again, and possibly to distract the rank and file from getting rowdy.

  • enoughisenough

    Elena, the elders were sent a letter for them to keep their mouths shut about the vaccines and to follow the GB direction. They aren't allowed to express doubts. Even if people do express doubts, the answer would be taking the vx was a personal choice. ( There is a complilation of updates on Youtube showing the coercion to take the poison -but they do mention "personal choice") I was saying the GB got it wrong during the lockdown, and an elder told someone who was my closest friend here to tell me to stop it or I may have to be taken to the "backroom". I didn't stop it. What did happen is I saw online the letter to elders telling them to keep their mouths shut. So I investigated more and came to realize the whole religion is founded on falsehood and false prophecy. I wrote myself out! But 3 men wanted to talk to me anyway. Here is the thing: They will want to know if you believe the GB are the faithful and discreet slave appointed by Jesus If you say yes and pledge obedience, you likely will be given a pep talk and be told to wait on Jehovah to work things out. If you can't honestly say that you believe the GB are appointed as faithful slave and you say it, well, kiss your friends and family goodbye. You wanted to know. Try it and see if you don't believe me.

  • enoughisenough

    TonusOH , speaking of the witch hunt and cleaning out, they got rid of good men who were showing doubts and Ray Franz was trying to get them to correct some of their lies. How convenient, when the 1975 debacle fell through, that they kick Ray and others out and say they cleaned house of apostates. Then the r/f think it's a good thing, when really they were covering their lying tracks and Ray and others became the scape goat...that is how I see it.

  • Elmer

    Hi everyone,

    Don’t get too worked up about “Elena”. You are being trolled. This is the same person as Jehovaxx, ElderBerry, ExBethelitePima, and a couple of other handles I can’t remember at the moment. Sometimes claims to be still serving Elder, sometimes a poor little sister,etc.

    Again, you are being trolled……

  • Balaamsass2

    My mom in her 70s and 80s LOVED to screw with and embarrass pompous elders.

    She always prominently displayed all the old WT literature in the living room. Russel's "Studies in the Scriptures" set, and photos of her as a kid marching with the "Religion is a snare and racket sign". She was famous for poking fun at terrible speakers in midweek field service, but then she treated the car group to she was popular with the sisters. She donated monthly check (so they were reminded who donated) the hall, and gave every CO a green handshake. All visitors got a cocktail. :)

    She was never DF,d, or reproved. She called Rutherford "a horses ass" and a "woman hater". She reminded Elders her brother was a C.O. I would get phone calls from elders in her halls asking "for me to PLEASE do something about her". lol :)

    I simply smiled and said "I'll look into it"..and suggested she had a touch of mad cow..... :)

  • Vidiot
    Mikejw - “…Otherwise they would need a bigger back room…”

    “You’re gonna need a bigger back room…”


  • Mikejw

    Yep that’s exactly what I had in mind when I said it😭

  • Mikejw

    The orders and by extension the GB and their helpers are losing the power they once had.

    So what if you express doubts. What are they going to do? If they try to accuse you of causing division then you can challenge them on it, make it clear you doubt the GB are correct but they openly admitted to not being inspired or infallible.

    You just need to say “I am in no way causing division I’m just agreeing with what the GB said, and yes I think they are correct they are not inspired or infallible, I think they made a mistake with their vaccine mandates and I think they may be wrong about 1914 and other things. But I am not causing division”

    and what would be the consequences if you did stand upto the elders and not let them push you around anymore? They could try to have you disfellowshipped but you just have to say that would make you suicidal.

  • Mikejw

    The elders try to alleviate responsibility for the aftermath of decisions but still insist on their way without being held responsible.

    the often used traffic light illustration is used. We are not giving you a red light but a yellow light to use caution but in fact they are giving you a red light

  • Vidiot
    Mikejw - “…I think they may be wrong about 1914 and other things…”

    According to the confidential elders’ manual “Shepherding the Flock of God”, that sentiment would technically constitute “apostasy”.

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