Your favourite greeting to the brothers?

by Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice. 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
    Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.


    To be sure, I have respect for your decisions with regard to your attitude to the JWs, and also acknowledge that no two people share the same circumstances in life, and I only suggested that you consider DAing whilst having no idea of your situation with the JWs.

    I also did not sign on as a member, and neither did I sign any paper when I left as I did not feel it necessary at the time, though, from reading a number of posts here, it maybe be advantageous to drop the society a note reiterating my choice to DA, even though it happened almost a decade ago. Not playing by their rules was a primary consideration when I opted out - I elected to leave of my own free will before they had cause to disfellowship me.

    cheeses (of the out-and-about class)

  • shera

    Hehehe Jane I do the same thing as you.I could go in any lane,but if I see some JW,I purposly go in the lane they are in.

    I want them to know,I don't care and it doesn't affect me,that they enore me.

  • Englishman

    "Hello me ole cuckold" does sometimes cause a twitch of consternation.


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