by wifibandit 80 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • freddo

    Yearbook 2016

    Dear Kingdom Publisher,

    Have you looked at the worldwide report for M'Baaataland? This tiny landlocked African territory had a 100% increase in the year!

    Just note the thrilling bountiful thrilling blessings that were to be had when two Special Pioneers in South Africa were asked to serve where the need is greater. Mike O'Loony says "The increase was happifying indeed! We were reassigned as regular pioneers which meant we could serve shoulder to shoulder with the local brother and sister on equal terms without such a title as "Special". Now there has been a 100% increase and instead of two there are four worshipers of Jehovah serving here." How thrilling!

    Have you been wondering about the increase in partakers at the memorial? As we don't know which partakers are real, real loony or just plain cuckoo we won't publish the figures of the partakers anymore. Are we not thrilled and happified at the discretion and faithfulness of the faithful and discreet slave? We surely are!

    How thrilled blah blah blah blah ...

    Your ever loving

    Governing Body

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim
    They have ''gradually realized'' that something is up with the memorial numbers going up,up and up. They have to put something in print in WT to try to mitigate the concerns of the rank and file, people are wondering I'm sure.
  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    There's only one way for WT to reduce the number of anointed partakers:


    A word on "gradual anointing." As someone who experienced this, it's really just one facet of TTATT that some go through, IMO.

    Basically, it's just the realization that if the Bible correct, then the WTBTS is wrong. The "gradual" part is the fight against cognitive dissonance. You study the Bible like never before, study Greek and Hebrew! You pour over tomes, pray, cry, pray some more, agonize, become lost in a nexus of never-ending questions, and perhaps lose or find yourself in the process. In the end, there are several choices:

    1) Partake as a JW and be labeled as a nut-job by the GB.

    2) If you really go down the rabbit hole and learn the whole TATT, and you're an asshole who aspires to greatness, partake and rise through the ranks!

    3) Leave the JWs and become a "Born Again" Xian!

    4) Give up on figuring out religion. Just do your own thing.


  • DarioKehl


    So there's going to be a mass disassociation in December 2016. Given all the other recent and scandalous developments, that makes sense!

    Now, we have this insulting January WT study article about how crazy newly anointed people must be.

    Guys. Let's make 2016 count. Why not drive a few towns over and attend memorial where no one will recognize you next spring (2016)? The only difference is, we ALL partake.

    Imagine a spike in memorial attendance, a spike in anointed followed by the mass DA campaign. Anyone else wanna show how much the TTATT folks can manipulate their data? Uhh? Whadya say?

  • cappytan

    From the May 15, 1999 Watchtower.

  • DesirousOfChange

    What WTFREE said.!


  • LevelThePlayingField
    You've got to be kidding me! REALLY!! They actually put that in print!!! Gimme some wine!
  • LevelThePlayingField
    I say, just to show those bastards, if you can stomach it, go to the Memorial and partake this next year, and the next too!
  • Gayle

    It's like '75, the GB did all the hype, but put blame on rank & file getting excited (or more questioning), when all failed.

    Now, the GB do all the hype of publishing the number of partakers of the 'most important' occasion among JWs and when the r&f get excited, then the GB drop the bowling ball of blame about r & f getting into it or, more, having questions to possibly understand this convoluted doctrine.

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