KM - another evidence for the leaked letter

by fastJehu 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • fastJehu

    The december kingdom ministry (KM) is online.

    NO schedule for the first week in january 2016 - as in previous december KMs.

    So another evidence, that beginning with january 2016 the org will change the mid-week-meeting.

    -----> download link:

  • alanv
    Interestingly in the presentation section it gives options to offer 'this months offer of the Watchtower' or 'this months offer of the Awake'. I thought starting in January there would only be one of the magazines available and the other magazine being published and offered the next month.
  • _Morpheus
    My good people, the letter is beyond dispute.
  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    NO schedule for the first week in january 2016

    nope--armageddon will be all over by then

  • username

    I think we've well and truly thrashed out the fact the letter is indeed genuine. Some of us (me ) are very cynical these days and never take anything first hand. But I do humbly have to admit i'm an ass this time. hehe.

  • Gayle
    on the Highlights of info of publisher increases on the islands,,, just wondering, did a lot of publishers from the mainland move to those islands in June and for their summer vacation. Just thinking how the WT 'double posts' their pubs. In fact, now I wonder maybe that's what they do for all pubs. stats elsewhere. They move from one congregation to another but get double counted in their 'peak' count.
  • NotBlind

    How appropriate that the last page of the last Kingdom Ministry ever is half-blank. Much like a store that's going out of business. The place is half empty and they're liquidating everything that's not nailed down - and some of the things that are nailed down.

    The Kingdom Misery literally ran out of things to say. They simply quit trying, they have given up, and they just turned the last 15 minutes of the last Service Meeting ever into a Local Needs part - as if to say "Will the last Witness please turn the lights out before you sign the deed over to us?"

    They don't even pretend to say anything of import anymore.

  • Designer Stubble
    Designer Stubble
    Interesting that they mention offering the Awake of January, while it will only be available in February. Unless of course they stock them all every other month (more efficient logistics)
  • notjustyet

    Looking for a "Kingdom Ministry" with a "This page left intentionally blank" in the center of a page.


  • alanv
    Hi Gayle, I like your idea about publishers visiting the islands in that month, but wouldnt the publishers send their stats back to their home country, rather than putting in a local report?

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