Q about Jesus' sacrifice

by oncebitten 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • Vidiot
    TonusOH - “…They seem to have a need to ‘correct’ almost any statement made by a non-JW about Christianity…”

    I noticed that, too.

    What do they do when a nonJW “gets it right”?

  • sloppyjoe2

    If Jesus didn't die for everyone's sins, how would people survive armageddon? The witness implies the only way to have your sins forgiven, is to die. Witnesses believe there will be people that never die.

  • oncebitten

    I havent figured out how to quote anyone on here yet. So this is for everyone who replied.

    I did some digging! As much as it pains my heart to read these.. it proves that my sister was correct in her understanding of WT teachings. I dont know if two things are tought simulaneously or not. You would think that something this important would be well understood! Anyway,. here are the quotes I found.

    One from 1973 and one from 1995. Apparently, the below is still taught as she was not a Jw in 95. She a stickler who keeps up with "new light". Romans 6:7 IS NOT ABOUT OUR PHYSICAL DEATH! Wow. just wow. Read these quotes--

    What of those, then, who will be resurrected during Jesus' thousand year reign? Must these too, come into the city of refuge and remain there until the "death of the high priest"? No. For these have paid the penalty for thier sinfulness by their own death. (Rom.6:7) They have been aquitted of sin by going down to the common grave of mankind. On coming forth from death, they are now standing on the road that leads, not i not the antitypical city of refuge, but into life verlasting. - The Watchtower, 5/15/73, page 312


    Must those resurrected during Jesus' thousand year reign enter the antitypical city of refuge and remain there until the death of the high priest? No, because by dying they paid for their sinfulness. (Romans 6:7, Heb 9:27) Neverthless, the high priest will help bring them to perfection. If they successfully pass the final test after the Millenium, God will also declare them righteous with a guarantee of eternal life on earth.- The Watchtower 11/15/95, page 19

    That is INSANE! Does WT ever read in CONTEXT? Read chapter 6 in Romans! Ro 6:7 is speaking of a figurative death- DEATH to SIN. Oh the twisting of cherry picked verses......!!

    When I have more time I will lay out the chapter, so we can easily see why WT is very wrong here.

  • oncebitten

    BY TonusOH

    To me, both statements are saying the same thing. If Adam's sin is what condemned humanity, then Jesus's sacrifice is what saved it. By balancing the scales to negate the cost of Adam's sin, he has given humanity a path for the expiation of their own.

    Hi Tonus, There is a vast difference between the two. Do you suppose that we are not accountable for the lives we live today because Adam's sin is covered? Of course not, right?

    The way to truly appreciate what Jesus did for us is very personal. He died for our sins. YOUR SINS too! If you face your own sins and are convicted by the Holy Spirit and feel guilt and repent and confess them and receive the Lord Jesus' suffering and death for YOUR forgiveness.. that is the beginning of a relationship with Him! You are washed in His blood! You can know that. He will not cast you out. As you go through life, He will help you! Ask him to show you your sins because He will- and He will help you to overcome them. It's a lifestyle with Him as your shepherd. Pray often! He will stick closer than a brother to you. It's not about a birthday cake!

  • oncebitten

    Someone teach me how to quote on here?

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze


    Cut and paste the quote you selcted into the posting box you normally type in for your postings. Then highlight what you just pasted. Then click the quotations icon (third from left)

    It's that simple!

  • Vanderhoven7

    Yes, I've been told by JWs that Jesus died for Adam's sins and you pay for your sins when you die, i.e., by dying....unless you make it to the GT and then ones death has questionable merit if there is no repentance and faith towards the Gb, i.e.,Watchtower channel of truth, during that period.

  • Duran
    Someone teach me how to quote on here?
    To me, both statements are saying the same thing. If Adam's sin is what condemned humanity, then Jesus's sacrifice is what saved it. By balancing the scales to negate the cost of Adam's sin, he has given humanity a path for the expiation of their own.

    22 For just as in Adam all are dying, so also in the Christ all will be made alive.

  • oncebitten

    Cut and paste the quote you selcted into the posting box you normally type in for your postings. Then highlight what you just pasted. Then click the quotations icon (third from left)

    Got that part, but how do i get out of the quote box to reply? lol

  • oncebitten


    Yes ok. As we see from the above WT quotes that is the teaching. Crazy huh? I suppose that SOMETHING had to be made up by the WT to teach about Ro 6:7 to the r &f since they deny them the gift of being born again. Once agin they seem to counting on the JW not ever reading this verse in context. How sad this is?

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