Is this a place for children?

by xenawarrior 188 Replies latest jw friends

  • Skeptic

    I am still getting the hang of replying here.

    I posted my apologizes to Sloan and Simon and gave a big thank you to Xena. Somehow, the post became a reply under XW's original post. For what it is worth, I also again gave my opinion on the thread topic.

    It was supposed to just be at the end of the thread like everyone elses'. How does one get the reply feature to put one's reply at the end of the thread?

    Thanks for your help.


  • Skeptic

    Thank you for being so gracious, Sloan. I truly am sorry.

    Since the reply went to an unexpected place, I was concerned you would not see it.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex


    Oh my God, how awful. I am so glad you were able to save her in time. LB said it right, there are some real perverts out there and it sickens and angers me that they try to take advantage of innocents.

    You keep right on doing what you're doing. You're a great mother.

  • xenawarrior


    Oh sweetie- I'm so glad you were able to circumvent this situation with your daughter. And you are right, things can happen so quickly.

    I have had a couple of situations with my daughter and the internet as well. And it was at about the same age. She was in a chat room talking to this "boy" and suddenly this man was telling her he was a police officer with the NYPD and that she had just given him waaaaayyyyy too much information about herself. Needless to say, she wasn't allowed on the internet at all for awhile and then only under very close supervision. Kids are kids and no matter how mature they seem to be they don't have a healthy fear that comes with age. That's our job as parents.

    Love ya sweetie!!


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex


    I begin to appreciate why you reacted as you did. I know how I would feel if that had happened to Jennie. It just shows parents need to monitor what their kids do on the 'Net.

  • mouthy

    I have not read all the answers -Sorry -so if some one has posted this before me excuse me. But there is a chat for kids at ExJW Youth Support Group.I just got "Tid Bits" ( an ex JW news letter_ & this is in there The kids have to be pre approved

  • SheilaM

    ((((((Heaven)))))) That was a horrible thing to happen to your daughter I am glad you caught it before something terrible happend.

    As far as the subject at hand I will add the reason Vash was "unsupervised" is that UR had to answer the phone and left her alone just for a little while just so you know.

    The incidents XW and Heaven brought up is why I would rather Vash be here with people that know and care than to be in a chat say on AOL which I don't even like to go to.

    To those that thought my posts were a lil grumpy I am usually very amiable but when I feel strongly I do polish and mount my soap box.

    XW: I do hope you don't hold my opinion against me nor will I hold yours against you. I am not on the forum to make enemies. I also am sorry that my words hurt your feelings. I will leave it at we will agree to disagree OK

    <of the fighting a sinus infection for over three weeks and really grumpy class>

  • Xandria

    So there .. can't let Shelia think she ended this thread

    We have exercised the demons.. this Board is CLEAN... ( Xan adjusts her glasses).

    Do you ever wonder how the heck do you excercise a demon ? Do you scream at it.. yea keep on running, go you horned creature go.. 100 more crunches! OOooo you are one bad demon ..



  • Solace

    You are all too nice.

    Thanks for saying I'm a good mon.

    I'm not perfect, thats for darn sure. Im only learning as I go and feel very fortionate that my two are healthy and happy.

    A "child only chat" is an idea, but there is no way of ensuring that someone isnt a preditor, posing as a child.

    I think we need to know who our children are associating with. The truth is, this site and others like it are accessable to just about anyone, from anywhere. I personally dont want my children to be quite that easilly accessable, ya know?

    This is an important and emotional subject and Im glad it was brought up. I suppose it was bound to get heated, due to its sensitive nature.

    Im ignoring all the lame, personal digs I have seen on this thread, but do I think they are an unfortionate distraction from a very serious subject.

    I now wish for all the board mom's, a much deserved, long, hot soak in a cozy bubblebath. You've been thinking and worrying about way too much tonight.

    Take care.

  • Jesika

    Ok, I read most of this so I will put in my 2cents worth.

    I was in chat that night and left when the pres came on TV. Vash was a very sweet girl and there wasnt anything in chat that was of adult content that night. We were mostly talking about the war on Iraq.

    I allow my son to comment and read chat while he is sitting next to me, he is only 9 but he likes to talk to searcher when search is in chat. He has talked to searcher on the phone too for a brief minute.

    I wouldn't let him in chat by himself,but he is only 9. If something in chat is of adult humor, I tell him to go play or use the other computer.

    I think minors should be under their own parents rules, and it isn't for others to say what another parent should or shouldn't do, but expressing concern is ok as long as you aren't trying to make the parent do what you think is right.

    I was disfellowshiped at 15 and remember how alone I felt ,and wish I could have had a place like this to bounce things off of. There is however a big difference in 12 and 15, but not with all kids. Hence the reason for leaving it up to the child's parent to decide what they should and shouldn't be a part of.

    Heaven, I am glad you caught that situation before it turned dangerous.


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