So What Drastic Money Change is Next?

by OnTheWayOut 78 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dagney

    What JeffT said. Like AOL used to charge $12.95 per month before the hotmail's and yahoo's came to play...and it seemed "fair" at the time.

    Some monthly automatic debit or charge in a "reasonable" amount would bring in millions.

  • waton

    In wt doctrine it was the idea, that the big money change would come in the great tribulation. they would thrown the gold , (das Geld) and silver (l'argent) into the streets, but of course not because it would be worthless (and easily collected by wt operatives), but because soldiers had the nasty habit of opening up people, to find the goodies that they had swallowed before an invasion.

    Sorry, did not want to give wt a closing scene for next years convention closing video -- featuring butcher knifes instead AK 35s.

  • OnTheWayOut

    AOL is almost dead, but it is still free to have email, same with all the others. They sell advertising and record hits of members to certain sites, they mine members for data.

    So I can see jwmail and all things JW being pushed on the internet. And I see them paying the taxes and pushing
    Christian products.

  • JW_Rogue

    I think we'll definitely see the end of all printed materials except for field service magazines, bible teach books, and small tracts. Otherwise you better be using the app on your tablet. They will push the convenience of donating through recurring payments online but I doubt they'll force anyone, just apply guilt liberally like they always do. I think regional conventions will get smaller as they move to venues they can own and control. Which could backfire because part of the reason people donate at RCs is because they think it's expensive to rent the site.

  • Dagney
    AOL is almost dead, but it is still free to have email, same with all the others. They sell advertising and record hits of members to certain sites, they mine members for data.

    I meant a nominal charge for privilege of using their site It could be marketed as support by donation to the WWW. Those reoccurring amounts really add up.

  • days of future passed
    days of future passed

    Come visit Warwick, the seat of all things Spiritual.

    Take the guided tours that will show you rooms that the GB use. Stand on the balconies they stood on! View the acres of beautiful woodlands and water. If you upgrade your package, you may even get to sit in the same spot Anthony Morris the Third does in the sauna!

    Book your tiny bit of Paradise room or upgrade into a Grand New World Suite.

    (starting at $1,000 per day)

  • OnTheWayOut

    Will any of it work? Will it matter?

    I felt that I gave my time and I didn't give so much of my money (not that I had much to spare).

  • nicolaou

    The Great Kingdom Hall Sell-Off!

  • JRK

    Start an amusement park at Warwick, and charge accordingly? Could they have a rubber-faced robot talk like Steve Lett? Could they build an Ark like Ken Ham? Maybe they will open a store with very loose fitting pants?


  • I quit!
    I quit!

    Ask the faithful to start bringing their own toilet paper to the meetings. Donate KH toilet paper budget to the society.

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