JW Urban Legends

by Azalo 102 Replies latest jw friends

  • Xander

    Something that will....well, get a reaction out of any 'good' JW:

    Point them at www.snopes.com and show them how many of 'their' urban legends, in fact, originated OUTSIDE their religion.

    And, if that's not enough, visit an ex-mormon board.

    Between the two sources, I think pretty much every single JW urban legend is covered.

    But, of course, the JWs do always put their own spin on it.

    Like the girls who go to have their fortune told, but the fortune teller can't work her magic because one of the girls is a witness. The 'angel protector' is actually common in ALL religions, but you gotta wonder, if the angel is protecting the woman in question, why is their so much suffering in the world? Applied to JWs, if the angels protect a sister from being raped in field service, why not protect an ENTIRE congregation from a bomb attack?

    Doesn't make sense.

  • undercover
    About two or three years ago there was an email floating around about a special circuit assembly in North Carolina, I believe, where a friend of a friend listed her notes about some special Bethel member giving a talk and describing the end getting very near or something like that. This special CA was held in a park??

    I remember getting that email. I filed it with all the other junk e-mail I get.

    Remember the backward masking controversy of the late 70s or early 80s? It didn't start with the Witnesses, but they sure did jump on the bandwagon. I remember hearing about the Bethelites destroying scores of albums and tapes. It trickled down to all the congregations and soon Witnesses were destroying music from across all fields of music. RUSH had the pentagram on the covers of their albums so they worshipped Satan. The Eagles had some creepy guy on a balcony on the inside cover of Hotel California. They worshipped Satan. Fleetwood Mac had crystal balls on the covers of their albums. That and Stevie Nicks dressed in black flowing gowns. So of course they worshipped Satan. Shouldn't have to mention bands like Black Sabbath. No good JW would buy their albums to begin with.

  • rocketman

    LOL@Nina's comment.

    Here's another one:

    JWs call at a door and a Warlock answers, and tells them that Satan has all the world's children under his control, except (of course) for JW kids. The Warlock then admonishes the JW's to be sure to tell this to their kids for their own protection (why he'd do that, I have no idea).

  • link

    I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned the one about the atom bomb explosions in Japan during the last war - I've heard it many times and think I once read it in a magazine.

    The only survivor of the atomic bomb blast on Hiroshima was a Witness. Apparently he had been arrested for preaching "the good news" and was beinhg held in a prison that was deep underground. The moral is: that because he was being good and going on the ministry he was saved.

    There were a few things that I could not understand about this one but I had more sense than to ask.

    Who let him out and what happened when he came up into a heavily radiated area?What happened to the other people who were guards etc.also underground at the time? They had not been on the Ministry so why were they saved.

    Answers on a postcard please!!!!


  • Xander

    Link: That was actually an Awake! article. He wasn't underground, he was in an above-ground jail, just not near ground-zero. The blast destroyed one or more of the jail walls (caused them to fall over), so he got out that way.

    I'm assuming the guards were busy helping the rest of the wounded.

    In any case, the radiation from an airburst atom bomb isn't really that bad (relatively speaking). If you were far enough out to survive the blast and heat you'd probably be okay for a good long time. Fallout is, of course, a factor, but that wouldn't be for weeks.

  • wednesday

    This is became a legend in its own time, but it is true. a wig was ordered by a bible study from Europe. the wig was decalred demonized(by 2 elders). a couple tried to burn it on a dark country road one night. it would not burn and it stated to rain. i swear it is true, i was there.

  • RunningMan

    A man breaks into a Witness's house with the intention of robbing it. While he is in progress, they Witnesses come home. He hides under the bed, to wait until they fall asleep so he can leave. While under the bed, he finds a bible and reads it. He is so moved that he becomes a Witness.

    To this day, I still flush a few pages of the Watchtower down the toilet, for the edification of the sewage treatment plant workers.

  • kat_newmas

    A traveling Overseer once informed my congregation not to purchase items from a Thrift Store. He said a brother had purchased a demonic neck tie, that later tried to strangle him.

    Oh brother

  • Dawn

    "because a sister got a handbag once which told her not to go out in service every time she opened it."

    Sometimes I think out loud too

    "He said a brother had purchased a demonic neck tie, that later tried to strangle him."

    Did he check where his wife's hands were? (perhaps........around the neck tie???)

    This thread is so funny!! I read it now and laugh because they all sound like little kid ghost stories - and to think I once fell for this kind of crap.

  • crinklestein

    While I have personally had alot of spirit activity around me when I was a child I will have to say that, at least I could verify my own personal experiences. But some of these JW demonic happenings are just pure urban legends. Everyone always has a best friend that everything always happens to.

    One of the things I heard happening was a young boy started studying with the JW's and he took his Live Forever book to a graveyard and started reading aloud from and and taunting the demons saying they will die during the battle of Armageddon. Then a voice answered back, "Yes, but you won't even live to see it." and the boy ran home and he died the next week.


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