Trump and the MEMO

by ducatijoe 48 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ducatijoe

    Those of us here wasting our time trying to show who Trump really is .... it's like trying to reason with all those still in the Organization.

    They have found a new person to fill their heads with lies and control they way they think. In many ways this ts amazing to me.

    I am out of the WBTS and free. No one will ever tell me how to think.

    And Hothbanero, For you sake if this rule of 1 man in DC continues..... I hope YOU are financially secure.... I am.

    If you are not.... your fucked

  • DesirousOfChange

    To many Americans, who Trump is/was is as simple as ABC "Anybody But Clinton".

    The Dems have one year to get their shit together before mid-term elections and less than three years to keep Trump from being re-elected.(Yes, if the economy is good he will be re-elected. And if eating McDonalds food doesn't kill him first.)

    IMO, they went at it all wrong during the SOTU speech. My wife (who has no political opinions) was disturbed at the attitude Pelosi and Company openly displayed towards the "office of the Presidency", saying they should repect the "position" even if not the man. And there is a lot of that being said in the news today.

    The #1 step they should do is send Nancy Pelosi out to pasture with Hillary and take Maxine Waters along, too.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    They have found a new person to fill their heads with lies and control they way they think - this is nonsense.

    I'm sure a lot of the posters here who refuse to scream "racist!" after every Trump tweet didn't vote for him.

    In another thread we had someone try to support the idea that Trump is a racist by posting that Trump called Afghanistan a terrorist haven ... now you tell me: how the hell is that racist?

    Although there are some fringe lunatics on the far right, it's actually the left who repeat lies or half-truths and draw dubious conclusions that fit neatly into their 'white, heterosexual men are the source of all evil' delusions.

    It's also the left who are controlled by political correctness in the way they think. Many on the left are prisoners to political correctness.

    Lefties who can actually think for themselves and scrutinise left-wing thought and behaviour find themselves shunned by their comrades (cf. Maajid Nawaaz, Aryan Hirsi Ali, Nick Cohen).

  • ducatijoe

    I personally do not feel Trump is a racist. His own comments reveal he is however a narcissist, only concerned about himself. Not even his family, wife or the Republican party. Just a few years ago he was a Democrat.

    On April 14th 1865, after the very week of winning the Civil war, Abraham Lincoln arrived at the Ford Theater. Exactly 8:30 pm, a full half hour after the play started.

    He quietly walked up the stairs with Mary to take his seat.

    No announcement of fanfare. This man just won the war! Richmond had fallen 11 days before. Once again, no fan fare or entourage.

    The President of the United Stated must be Presidential. The stability of the world deepens on it.


    I like how we all jabber on, like we actually know any of these politicians. We don’t know anyone. We don’t really know the presidents of the past, who were supposedly so noble and sophisticated compared to Donald Trump.

    Who knows what kind of stupid crap those guys would’ve tweeted, have they been able to do so. Human nature being what it is, there were no politicians who were pure at heart. That’s not even humanly possible. Our human nature is why over countless ages we have developed archetypal heroes and myths that convey moral lessons. It gives us something to reach for amidst all the chaos.

    Personally I don’t care for Donald Trump, because he doesn’t seem very humble. I also don’t like all the football stars who dance around in the end zone. I mean, come on, act like you’ve been there before. Have some class.

    Whatever we may personally think of politicians in the United States of America, the climate was right for Trump to be elected. Who do we blame for that? Maybe it’s just a gradual dumbing down of people in general? Maybe our modern living has stopped our evolution as a species and our society will spiral into madness?

    As a born in Dub, I’ve never been political. I’m not really involved, even to this day. Therefore, I can’t really judge anyone, but it seems that all career Politicians are disingenuous. It seems they justify their behavior by claiming they must operate in the parameters of a broken system.

    I’ve personally never heard one politician give a straight answer to anything, or to keep any of their promises, that includes Obama. I’m sick of people saying how awesome Obama was, he lied too.

    The only person I would trust in Office is me.


  • scratchme1010

    Those of us here wasting our time trying to show who Trump really is .... it's like trying to reason with all those still in the Organization.

    They have found a new person to fill their heads with lies and control they way they think. In many ways this ts amazing to me.

    I am out of the WBTS and free. No one will ever tell me how to think.

    And Hothbanero, For you sake if this rule of 1 man in DC continues..... I hope YOU are financially secure.... I am.

    If you are not.... your fucked

    I agree, but people can express themselves any way they want. Please keep emphasizing that some people are still under the influence of the WT and its mindset, and it's brainwashing. Have you heard of the term "cult shopping"? That is when people who learn TTATT in one cult are not yet ready to let o of the behaviors typical of the brainwashed cult follower, and ends up in another type of group or relationship in which they can continue such behavior.

    I think that's the case with some of those Trump hardcore fans (and other people with other believes and customs, of course, but this thread is specifically about those Trump ass lickers). They are not ready to face reality and let go just yet. It's part of their process.

    One thing is agreeing with that vulgar pig, another one is what we see in some people's posts here. you can tell the difference.

  • _Morpheus

    Its stone cold laughable to call someone who supports a policy decision of the president “in a new cult” when the same thing could be easily said of those who disagree with a policy decision simply because it came from trump. Ive said it before and i’ll say it again: its trite and classless to play the “cult” card. We are adults and can form our own opinions. The simple fact that we left the witness cult shows we can all think for ourselves.

    Can we simply debate policy on merit? Is that too much to ask? Or is the hate so deep and blind that any discussion is shut down with the word “trump” and you go into full shutdown mode and begin with ridiculous insults?

  • MeanMrMustard

    @ducatijoe: I fixed it for you (not counting stuff like you’re vs your):

    Those of us here wasting our time trying to reason with people who hate Trump .... it's like trying to reason with all those still in the Organization.

    They have found dishonest news outlets to fill their heads with lies and control they way they think. In many ways this ts amazing to me.

    I am out of the WBTS and free. No one will ever tell me how to think.

    And ducatijoe, For you sake Of tryin to invalidate the election of this man ..... I hope YOU are armed.... I am.

    If you are not.... your fucked

  • kairos

    Trump is proving that there is a swamp in DC.

    Get ready to lose your minds.
    Justice is coming. The memo is going to be released.


    You are watching history in the making.
    Wait until the Trump DOJ drops the hammer.

  • kairos

    There's a very good chance Trey Gowdy will be installed to run the show.
    You watch...

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