Guys ... Be honest here ... Do you ever Pee in the bathroom sink

by RubaDub 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • Giordano

    Nathan....... so you just edited your post! Thank you. LOL

    As a fellow old guy It's not really all that important where you piss it's that you can piss.

    There were these three old guys sitting around in the assisted living facility moaning about health issues.

    One guy said " I get up in the morning and it's really hard to take a good piss."

    The next guy says "I can pee ok but taking a good crap each day is a real problem for me."

    The third guy says " I take a good pee and a great crap every morning.....I just wish I could get out of bed first."

  • scratchme1010

    Guys ... Be honest here ... Do you ever Pee in the bathroom sink

    No, and why are you asking only guys?

  • UnshackleTheChains
    No, and why are you asking only guys?

    Now let's be peeceable my dear 😂😂😂

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Yes and if you have a semi on it's the best place to do it.

  • snugglebunny

    Sometimes, if I'm totally bolloxed, my wife has to stop me peeing in the wardrobe.

  • ollied28

    I prefer the laundry sink.

  • UnshackleTheChains
    Sometimes, if I'm totally bolloxed, my wife has to stop me peeing in the wardrobe

    What on earth were you drinking snugglebunny lol.

    If I did that, my Mrs would have sent me straight to the sofa 😌

  • Phizzy

    I actually nearly did a "Snugglebunny" one Christmas. We were staying at my JW M.I.L's house, the F.I.L was a lapsed JW who loved a drink, my drinking buddy for many a long year.

    We were really pissed, me and him, time bedtime came. I needed to pee in the middle of the night, couldn't find the light switch, stumbled around in the dark, obviously knocked this sort of picture thing off the wall, it was ceramic and in bass relief, I stumbled around some more, felt this "picture, which felt cold and ceramic, so I thought " Ah ! the Khazi" and proceeded to piss in it.

    M.I.L wakes us with a cup of tea on Boxing Day morning, and is bemused by the sight of her picture full of liquid. She asks "what is this ?", I was tempted to say, "Dip your finger in and taste it and see", but I simply denied any knowledge.

    It took me years to live that one down, well it still gets a mention from Mrs Phizzy when I am drinking rather a lot !

  • UnshackleTheChains

    Phizzy. That story made me laugh 😂😂😂😂😂

  • HBH
    An 80 year-old man goes to the doctor for his annual check-up, and gets a clean bill of health. "Everything looks great," says the doctor, "What's your secret?" "I have a personal relationship with God" answers the patient, "In fact, every night, when I get up to use the bathroom, he turns the light on and the off when I'm done." "Wow that's incredible," exclaims the doctor. Later that day, the doctor calls the man's wife just to confirm the story about the man's personal relationship with God. "Does God really turn the bathroom light on and off for your husband?" he asks. "Aw Jeez," answers the wife, "He's peeing in the refrigerator again."

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