Kim and mikeys chanel on YouTube they uploaded a video of more singing and dancing

by Crazyguy 49 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • berrygerry


    WT (Knorr) despised Elvis and his era. They mimicked Christendom.

    It was weird trying to compute that "No-touch" dancing was worse than "touch" dancing. (I remember my hormonal days of touch-dancing with a JW female). Never made sense to my mind.

    In virtually all rock ’n’ roll dances done by youths, the partners do not touch. The twist is viewed by many as having been the beginning of this type of dancing. An interviewer for Look magazine reported awhile back:
    “The characteristic dances of our new age of revelry are all variants of the twist. . . . The dancers do not touch, they do not talk. . . . Each does whatever charade the name of the dance calls for. . . . They look as if their bodies are screaming.
    “‘It’s a kind of fertility rite, designed to combat the sterility of modern life,’ says a young medical student, asked to account for his generation’s dancing style. But this is fertility magic without bodily contact. . . . A student nurse . . . says, ‘It’s sort of sexy . . . all those bodies grinding, but never touching.”’

    WT - Sep 15, 1972

  • talesin
    joe134cd ... intro comments are this:

    Published on Jan 1, 2016

    2015 Belgium Concert for Delegates

    that's it. : )

    EDIT: I would guess a 'not on the program' special event for delegates, locals and special invites. xx tal

  • sherrie11

    It looIs like Hillsong

  • joe134cd
    This would have to be some after dinner function thrown by the locals for the delegates. I would be absolutely flabbergasted if this happened at the assembly.
  • Incognito

    I remember as an adolescent/teen in the mid 1970's, there had been some 'delegates' from Africa that had visited the Toronto DC at Woodbine Racetrack. They wanted to wear their native dress and dance for the audience after the program ended. The convention program then ended at 9pm so it was around 11pm when the dancing was finally finshed and the crowd went home.

    I seem to recall this occured in two consecutive years and it may have involved Kingdom Melodies as the dance music as opposed to 'wordly' music.

    Prior to the third year, it was announced at each congregation that there was to be no more entertainment as that was not appropriate at the DC as that was JAH'S place of worship and was to be used for spiritual matters only.

    Seeing what goes on now, it appears they are doing exactly the things they critisized other religions for doing. I guess desperate times call for desperate measures.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher
    "Brethren & Cistern - let's get on down and party!!!!" :)
  • Rather Be the Hammer
    Rather Be the Hammer

    Wow. I can't believe this is at (or after) a convention. It looks like these are JW though, and they sing one of the newest songs, not even in the songbook.

    I noticed that everyone in the audience wears a white shirt. Must be something Belgian? In my (close to Belgium) country brothers can wear shirts in any color they like, although 'only white' has been the rule for a long the fifties or so.

    My first idea is that this must have been at a wedding, but wow, a choir at your wedding to sing kingdom songs? And the 'we are family sign' in front of the stage seems not so wedding-like. So I think the video really must be what it claims to be...

  • cookiemaster
    I remember being at a wedding ten years ago and of course being worldly music and dancing. Some of the most pious elders and older JWs went all pious and gave everyone a hard time because of it. Now, they sing worldly songs themselves and they're not even at a wedding? WOW! Things have changed. So much hypocrisy.
  • konceptual99

    Dunno what the fuss is all about. It's become par for the course to put on entertainment for visiting delegates to special and international conventions. Whilst we have seen events at halls along with very tasteless virtual mobbing of arriving delegates in the past, this is clearly not within an assembly hall and is just a bunch of people having a fairly innocuous time.

    I know the WT would have critised Rock and Roll in the past but even the Witnesses are allowed to move on. As for comparisons with evangelical worship, this is not a service.

    This type of event does add to a body of evidence suggesting the whole tone of the org has changed and that there is perhaps a more general appeal to emotion rather than intellectual study but at the end of the day it's just a bunch of entertainment.

  • stuckinarut2
    Well, if bethel headquarters did the "happy" song for their family night show, then it's no wonder that regional convention delegates got a show put on for them too!

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