Got this letter

by Yesterdays Child 41 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Yesterdays Child
    Yesterdays Child

    You hit the nail on the head pistoff I Was underage dunked

  • xjw_b12

    Yesterdays Child.

    How many, and how old are the children / grandchilren ?

    There is no way I would let my Mother in Law get her mitts on my kids, under the present circumstances.

    " I just want to know the truth, because I've been lied to all my life "


  • JamesThomas

    I thought it was a fairly respectable letter, from someone who loves you like a son, but is torn by her beliefs. You could have received far worse.

    You can do one of two things: Let her and her religion become your teacher, by following in their footsteps. Shun her as she shuns you. Lower yourself to her level, or below.

    Or, you can show that real love has nothing to do with religion, and has to do with who we are. Show her love and respect no matter what her actions are....simply because you are a caring person. You never know....she may learn from you.


  • amac
    Why should the pain go in only one direction?

    Why should the pain go in two directions?

    I have to agree with JamesThomas. I can fully understand being angry over this, initially. But don't let that dictate your actions, and don't be guilty of the same crimes she is committing. Teach through example...any other way will only strengthen her convictions. She sounds like a very nice woman that is fully caught up in a wrong way of thinking. Hopefully one day, she will be able to truly act Christ like which is what I'm sure she is trying to do, although being misguided.

  • Yesterdays Child
    Yesterdays Child

    She made that decision. I don't see her and i',m surly not looking for her.

  • blacksheep

    "Or, you can show that real love has nothing to do with religion, and has to do with who we are. Show her love and respect no matter what her actions are....simply because you are a caring person. You never know....she may learn from you. "

    Most dubs are not particularly quick learners. They are not taught to think for themselves. This is patently obvious in her letters. She's supressing *her* feelings and blindly following a heartless org that has caused a great deal of abuse and suffering for family members.

    I think Yesterday's child's first responsibly is to himself and his family. He can depend on her for nothing at this point. She's made it clear she doesn't respect him. Hopefully SHE'LL come around. She's trying to call shots that aren't hers to call.

  • RedhorseWoman

    I know that my attitude is probably very evil, but my thought is to just act as if she has made no change whatsoever to YOUR life.

    If she should come to visit in your home, treat her as you would any other guest. Sit and talk with her....refuse to be intimidated. If she acts cold, ask her why. Invite her to dinner and force HER to turn down the invitation. When she does...ask her why.

    If she stays for dinner but refuses to talk with you, make it a point to attempt conversation with her. Make HER squirm due to the results of her own decision. You shouldn't be forced to comply with her rudeness, nor should you have to be the bad guy.

    If she wants the children to visit Grandma, make sure you go along and visit, too. Put the burden on her. It's not YOUR problem....don't make it yours. It's hers. Let HER deal with it.

  • pandora

    you can show that real love has nothing to do with religion, and has to do with who we are.

    I agree, but with a slightly different conclusion. Real love has to do with who we are. And who the one we love is. SHE is not a very nice woman. I would not want my child to learn from her in any way. In fact, I would consider her to be 'bad association' and I think I would have to mention it, at least, a couple times.

    Just my thoughts.

    PS. My mom is just like your Mom in Law. I understand completely. I do not allow my daughter to associate with my mother. And, yes, I have told my mother why. Needless to say, she is a braindead dub and doesn't get it.


    [still getting the hang of this quoting thing]

  • JamesThomas
    Most dubs are not particularly quick learners. They are not taught to think for themselves. This is patently obvious in her letters. She's supressing *her* feelings and blindly following a heartless org that has caused a great deal of abuse and suffering for family members.

    Could not the exact same thing of been said of you or me at one point? Yet, we woke up, we learned. Shouldn't we, who know better, be offering her the same opportunity? If anyone is going to offer a friendly hand, it has to be us, for it certainly will not be offered from a dedicated Witness.


  • PurpleV
    But I will not be able to socialize with you nor eat with you again. Your co-operation in this will certainly be appreciated.

    Aack! She wants your cooperation in this?

    I want some of what she's smoking.


    I'm so sorry. I'd keep the kids away from her too. They shouldn't learn that something like this is right or acceptable.

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