"Help at the right Time" KM February...

by frogit 24 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Latte


    And if they REALLY cared, many wouldn't have left in the first place!

    So true!

    Latte (who now watching her back! lol)

  • frogit

    Many times I asked them (elders) for help by a upbuilding visit, maybe a prayer when I was a my lowest mental state ever in my life, do you know what?.they never showed the slightest interest in my problems, and when I read this KM article all I can think of is Hypocrisy, these loving gifts in men do not care at all about the brothers and sisters, they have to be ordered by the WTS to visit and help those that have missed meeting, and not been out in the service.

    Now is the right time for the elders to provide such ones with needed help

    Why now why not when we really needed help? This sound to the RF that divine direction is being given, and last week, last month, last year, was not Jehovahs right time no but now. Food at the proper time this make me so angry..


    Edited by - frogit on 20 January 2003 18:6:43

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    Cruzanheart: sounds like you are well prepared, that's right put them on the SPOT right off, and give them hell..... you and tex go go go >>>>john

  • belbab

    "Calamities encircled me until there was no numbering of them. More errors of mine overtook me than I was able to see; they became more numerous than the hairs of my head, and my own heart left me." (Ps.40:12)

    Very interesting quote from Psalms. Is the WT telling the elders that they are making many errors or are they hinting that the WT is up to its ass in coliform laden effluent? Are they really downhearted, and lamenting the present situations.


  • Tyler_Durden


    We've printed out... the statement from the Society's website that people can just leave without being DA'd or DF'd

    looked everwhere for this statement, but can't find it

    can you help me out with a hyper-link



  • Gopher


    Here is the link: http://www.jw-media.org/beliefs/beliefsfaq.htm

    In part, it says:

    Do you shun former members?

    Those who simply leave the faith are not shunned. If, however, someone unrepentantly practices serious sins, such as drunkenness, stealing, or adultery, he will be disfellowshipped and such an individual is avoided by former fellow-worshipers.

    What they are really saying:

    If you simply quit attending meetings, but continue to live by JW standards, you may not be shunned. But if you are found to have acted in any way that the congregation disagrees with, they will come after you! So the person who leaves the organization is still considered a member representing JW's by their actions, until such time as they either DA themselves or are dismissed through DF'ing.

  • TheOldHippie

    gopher, thatis correct, of course. There are many examples of people who have simply faded away, but then years afterwards have been df'ed because they have started being politically involved or something like that. A one-time "member" here, who has not been seen at meeting for 25 years, is well-known as gay, and it is a more or less constant discussion every second year or so, if he is to be df'ed.

    I know of a guy (not gay but guy - better be carefull with the letters here ....) who had not been at meetings for 10 years or so, not since he was a teenager, but then started attending because he wanted to "get back". Because he was co-habiting with a girl, he was then df'ed. Not the best of welcomes, perhaps ............

  • rebel

    I was talking to a friend last week (she is also inactive) and we both agreed that it is funny how the ones that have stopped coming to the meetings are the ones we really liked. It seems as if all the truly genuine ones are leaving slowly but surely, leaving behind the real hard-nuts or those who don't have the courage to leave. My congregation has got to be one of the most unloving in the UK - full of spiteful hypocrites and gossips. There are a few genuine ones, but they are far and few between. Why on earth do the elders suppose I want to go back to that cesspit? Once my hubby (a hard one to crack) and children (almost there) are completely out, I will throw a party to celebrate.


  • avengers

    They have already visited my ex-wife and my 2 youngest kids. The irony of this issue is that the elder who visited them was brought into the troof by me in 1969! If that ain't the bummer of bummers.

    Anyway, they have already made a promise to visit me. I see this as campaign propaganda. They call it " Jehovahs loving concern for his people "

    I see it more as a cover-up for all the crap that the "leaders" are tied into.

    We shall see............avengers

    ps. old hippie. You don't live far away from me. I live in the east of the Netherlands. ......

    ............avengers of the old hippie class. in the sixties not so old.

  • Elsewhere
    These pressures can become so great that such ones may neglect vital spiritual matters and stop having an active share in the Christian ministry.

    I believe this is the key sentence in the whole article. Their main concern is that the field service reports are going down and they want to get the numbers back up.

    They are worried about statistics and figures that make them look bad... as if [--- gasp ---] they might not have Jehovah's favor. They are certainly not worried about peoples spirituality and happiness.

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