Jehovahs V the Raelians

by spacegirl 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary

    Notice how that freak-of-a-woman with long orange and white hair who originally made the announcement about the "cloned baby" and how she would be giving DNA "proof" in a weeks time? Weeeeeelll, El Freako still hasn't come up with even one shread of evidence to support their claim: no name, no birthplace, no birthdate, no DNA evidence.................and yes, we're still waiting!!!

  • plmkrzy

    L Ron Hubbard married a Mormon and thier children were Raelians

  • no one
    no one
    Um, and I'd really like to know the difference between open and free use of the word "shag" and the word "deleted". Both four letters. Both mean the same thing. So what's with the very emotional association with one and not the other? I'd really like to know, especially as I'm a journalist

    Elitism. Another definition of 'vulgar' is 'the common people'. But, now most people take it to mean 'offensive'.

    Being the language of the common people, there arose those who didn't want to be associated with that particular class. And so in place of a word, say, the 'vulgar' shit, other words sprung up; feces, defecate, excrement, effluvia(marginally means shit), ca-ca, do-do. But if you use a word like 'effluvia' in a sentence, gee, you sound so knowledgable. Pretty soon, the new words separated you from the scum that said 'shit'; even reaching a point where you could talk down to them cuz they didn't understand the meaning of the word being used..

    Personally, if I think someone's full of it, I prefer being explicit so there's no misunderstanding. However, we're in Simons' house and if he asks us to refrain, it's his home to make the rules in.

    Edited by - Englishman on 11 January 2003 10:32:24

  • Crazy151drinker

    LOL @ plmcrazy !

    This is why we need to support clonning. The last thing we need is to have only the CRAZIES clonning.

  • LucidSky
    Notice how that freak-of-a-woman with long orange and white hair

    She's grrrr, baby. Very grrrr!

    So did these aliens only talk to one guy? He must be quite a special person. And if they created earthlife, why are they in such a big hurry to blow it up if we don't act the way they say, or rather, what their human representative (aka channel) on earth says???

    Edited by - LucidSky on 10 January 2003 13:48:31

  • Pleasuredome

    i spoke to a zionist(arsehole) a few months ago, and he said that the foundation for the new temple in jerusalem was already being prepared.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    The Raelians have what...55,000 members world wide?

    Make that 30,000 in reality then. But with this current publicity and the excitement generated by the first human clone, this should break them over the 144,000 members mark and they will have to create 2 classes of the saved.

  • Kenneson

    I think we should dub them with a new name: the Phony Cloners.

  • plmkrzy
    if you use a word like 'effluvia' in a sentence, gee, you sound so knowledgable.

    hahaha this kraks me up! I wish we could have signitures. I would use that. I hate using "the word of the day" in posts, unless there ain't no other choice.

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