Jehovahs V the Raelians

by spacegirl 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • spacegirl

    Hi everybody - long time no speak, been researching other stuff like these flipping Raelians. Absolutely fascinating what they believe in. Don't know if any of you have read this guy Rael's books about being created by human aliens and apparently in 30 or so years if we follow Rael we can have everlasting life by being cloned. There is no such thing as the soul and The Elohim are human like us just 25,000 years more advanced. But they also are willing to destroy the earth if we don't get out act together. Best bit I like about this religion is you can shag as many people or whatever sex and not feel guilty - excellent. For you yanks shag in England means f--k. Anyway there are 55,000 members worldwide who are sending cash to Rael to build an embassy ready to receive the Elohim who by the way sound like a scary bunch of robot shagging human aliens.

    I am currently trying to find out if he publishes the accounts anywhere. If anyone has any info please let me know.


    Spacegirl - who has just become Spacemum aaaaaah to little Spaceboy, bless his cotton socks. XX

  • Francois

    Ahhhh, Spaceboy didn't come about by any extraterresterial shagging did he?

    Have you noticed how many cults attract members by all the free shagging you want?

    Um, and I'd really like to know the difference between open and free use of the word "shag" and the word "deleted". Both four letters. Both mean the same thing. So what's with the very emotional association with one and not the other? I'd really like to know, especially as I'm a journalist. This kind of hair-splitting is what you'd expect from the JWs IMHO.


    Edited by - Englishman on 11 January 2003 7:7:15

  • Elsewhere


  • Valis

    Here's a good article about the Raelians..

    And a website w/several good links and a synopsis..

    You can also listen to the crazy mofo talk about the aliens here...some of it is very funny!


    District Overbeer

  • RunningMan

    The word "shag" is cute and funny, whereas "f***" is just dirty.

  • NameWithheld
    For you yanks shag in England means f--k.

    Trust me, after the Austin Powers movies, not one person in the USA does not know about the word 'shag'

  • Undecided

    What I find wrong with shaging everyone you want is the poor children brought into this world without a family and the ramport STDs going around now. It makes more sense to have one person you love and be faithfull to him or her. It's not a bible or religious thing to me, it just seems to be the wise course.

    Ken P.

  • auntiem

    *Austin Powers voice* yeah....!!!!!!! Shagadelic baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    *bevis voice* shag....ehhhheehehheehhhheeeehhhh shag! cool...eeeehhh shag.

    Congrats on new space baby! You didn't name him Elroy did you? j/k!

  • Farkel

    I see that the Raelian site sells shit. Why do all the people who claim they want to help all the other people need to sell shit? Oh, now I understand. The Raelians are Capitalists. Yeah, that's it.


  • shera

    Sweet..people can ..excuse this word..but whore around and its ok...all the power to yah! Watch for the AIDS,oops forgot,you will get yourself cloned,so don't worry about disease....

    Are you for real?!

    Edited by - shera on 10 January 2003 16:48:16

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