Elder Visits

by Wolfy 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Wolfy

    Well....Got a call from an elder in my hall yesterday. They are wanting to come visit and wanted to set up a time. I put it off citing family issues. The elder said he would call back another time.

    They got one of my best friends....They DF'd him instead of DA'd. His mother and sister have disowned him(they wrote him a letter) but he still talks to his Dad. The CCM are trying to get my other buddy and are hounding his wife who is a Dub. She actually told them to leave him be but it will only be a matter of time. I forwarned him about what was happening and he said he will tell them in very explicit terms what he thinks if they do corner him....god...I would love to hear it. He can swear like a sailor.

    My wife is a Witness. She gets upset when I talk negative about the religion. I asked her if she considers me a Witness...She said she does not. I asked her what if the Elders asked and she said tell them that at this time you do not consider yourself a Witness. I then stated that I could be DA's for that. She said they wouldn't do anything like that....I guess we will see once they manage to corner me...

    They are forcing you to make a choice and are using fear to make you fall inline. If not well then you are punished for your defiance and lose your life as well as your relationships with your loved ones. You don't see how cruel this when you are in but when you step back and examine the JW policies it hits you like a ton of bricks. The lack of love and the use of fear identify it as nothing more then a cult.What a waste of precious human life. So many in the Cong. if given the chance at schooling could have done something that was not destructive but a postive influence on society.

    Needed to vent.


  • kelpie


    i know excatly what you mean... they use fear to hold you there.. fear of not being able to associate with your family and loved ones..

    that is what makes me so made.....


  • Utopian_Raindrops

    Dang Wolfy,

    Im so sorry.

    I dont know you well. Do you have a lot of fam in The Truth?

    You know I never imagined Id be the one dissed in my fam but I am.

    The children and I always had a plan for if one of us did get dissed. We read and read on the subject and found loop holes to make sure we could always speak.

    Thing is your fam has to be willing to do this.

    Your wife how can she be blind to the fact that you could get dissed?

    The time I was there I saw some unjust disfellowshippings. I knew it was possible.

    My children and I had always discussed what to do if one of THEM (notice not me) decided they didnt want to be JW anymore. We always had a plan.

    Still we are blesses as we are the only JW in our family.

    There are the other issues, as we didnt associate with Worldly family for 15 years. Still Family is forgiving. So slowly we get back in touch.

    I have been crying a lot on this board as I try to figure out whom these people are that REALY cut their family out 100%!

    ((((((hugs))))) Wolfy and keep your chin up.

    The inquisitions will continue.we cant stop them.

    Your wife has been with you so far. So I believe you and she will make it through the interrogations of the CCM!

    Take care,

    Real Agape,


    Have a beer take a deep breath and relax......

  • Wolfy

    Thank you for you huggs and support Kelpie and UR:)

    My friend that they are trying to corner is going through alot of difficulties in his life right now. I told him now matter what I would be there as friends should be. We actually are like brothers and it was very difficult to hear him on the phone break down and cry. He has alot of issues with the JW's and he can see how there is a lack of love amongst most of the members. I will help him any way I can.

    My wife does see that there are problems with the way some things are carried out. She is a 4th gen Wit. and says although there are some problems she has "faith". She believe's in the Elders and feels that they are doing Jehovah's will. I do my best to keep everything calm but it is difficult. She has a very large family of elders,PO's, Pioneers etc.

    My parents are very much in but my father has changed a bit and seems kind of sad. He told me not to rock the boat so I won't get into trouble thus causing family problems. He is aware of some of my views and calls them apostate but told me to keep them to myself. He used to be an Elder for a long time and was one of the "nice" Elders in the hall. He was a bit wild when he was younger and understood what it was like. He helped a few of my friends when they got in trouble. My friend's told me he seemed like the only one who really cared.

    It seems that there are alot of scarred,frustrated,angry and sad people who are that way because of the JW's. This is a sad reflection on a religion that purports itself to be one of love.

    I am sorry for rattling on so much but it help me deal with these issues expressing them like this.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Wolfie said,

    They are forcing you to make a choice and are using fear to make you fall inline.

    Absolutely correct. And fear of what? Fear of Boogey-Day; a day which will never come.

  • ugg

    wolfy....i am so sorry to hear about everything....reminds me of hitler tacttics...seek and destroy.

  • Gopher

    Hitler tactics? Perhaps.

    Or.. how about the medieval Inquisition? The forced confession of faith -- otherwise it would be the stretching rack for you, or perhaps the iron maiden. (I saw an iron maiden once in a museum, how hideous!!)

    Of course the WTS only WISHES it could use the rack or the maiden, but is "prevented" from doing so by the laws of man.

    So instead it unleashes "disassociation" and "disfellowshipping", along with shunning, demonizing, and family breakups.

    How sophisticated.

  • benext

    There is very little sense to DF or DAing mass numbers. If they do convince some to return, so what? They get the body but not the heart or mind. Who is behind this insanity?

  • email

    Wolfy hang in there... sounds like we're in the EXACT same situation... down to the friend that is almost a brother to you. I trully understand what you're going through.

  • jazbug

    IAt least some of the elders give you the courtesy of calling first. . I have asked them numerous times in the past to call first as I work at home but this a.m. they showed up at 9:30. I was expecting my daughter so swung the door open and there they were. They didn't stay long...the ice eminating from my body was not comfortable so they said a few words of "encouragement" ...like you need to come back to the meetings, you need the association, blah, blah, blah...and left.

    Hopefully, they won't feel the need to come back.

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