George Bush most admirable male??!!

by back2dafront 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • back2dafront

    Poll: Bushes, J. Lo Among Most Admired
    The Associated Press
    Dec 28 2002 3:30PM

    WASHINGTON (AP) - Hillary Rodham Clinton, Laura Bush and J. Lo have something in common: Americans like them.

    A Gallup poll found the nation divided in the contest for ``most admired'' woman. Among men, President Bush remained the clear favorite for the second year in a row.

    Clinton, the former first lady who now represents New York in the Senate, and her successor in the White House, Laura Bush, topped Gallup's list of women along with talk show host Oprah Winfrey. Clinton was favored by 7 percent of those surveyed; Bush and Winfrey had 6 percent each.

    Among men, the president had a commanding 28 percent for men - well ahead of the runner-up, former president Jimmy Carter who was in single digits.

    Jennifer Lopez's new movie and album, along with heavy media coverage of her pending wedding nuptials to actor Ben Affleck, boosted her to the sixth spot with 2 percent. That put her on par with incoming Sen. Elizabeth Dole, R-N.C., and national security adviser Condoleezza Rice. Former first lady Barbara Bush and former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher each got 3 percent.

    Among younger respondents, Lopez outpolled them all with 10 percent.

    Party lines had some bearing on results. Clinton pulled 15 percent among Democrats; the first lady led among Republicans, with 13 percent. They remain no match for Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, who won 60 percent of Americans' vote in 1963 following her husband's assassination.

    President Bush had earned 39 percent in the wake of last year's terrorist attacks, a record high among men since the survey began in 1948. His dip in Gallup's 2002 poll mirrors his sliding approval ratings over the last several months.

    Events also pushed up Carter's standing, with the recent Nobel Peace Prize winner rising from just 1 percent in 2001. He was the favorite among Democrats polled.

    Secretary of State Colin Powell, Pope John Paul II, former President Bill Clinton and the Rev. Billy Graham each earned 2 to 4 percent.

    The telephone survey of 1,009 adults was conducted Dec. 16-17 and has a sampling error of plus or minus 3 percentage points. Respondents were asked to name the two people they admire most.

    Only one man, Academy Award winning actor Denzel Washington, from the entertainment world made it into the men's top-10. He rounded out that list along with former South African President Nelson Mandela, former Vice President Al Gore and former President Reagan.

    Poet Maya Angelou and former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright also made the top-10 women's list.

    On the Net:

    The Gallup Organization:

    He wasn't even elected by the people, I don't see how they'd vote him most admirable male of the year. I would've voted for Michael Moore. Then Antonio Banderas for being in such hot scenes w/ Angelina Jolie in Original Sin. :-)

    Edited by - back2dafront on 28 December 2002 17:25:42

  • Realist


  • Francois

    Au contraire! The US Supreme Court indeed said he was elected by the people. Even if the dims didn't want to count the military absentee ballots. And, all the outrage about people being prevented from voting in FL, the Voting Rights Commission did not - in all it's lengthy and bloviating hearings - did not come up with ONE, not ONE, person who said they were prevented from voting.

    Preventing the all-democrat Florida Supreme Court from making any descision in this election was only prudent, as we have seen.

    Would you like Al Gore handling the current set of world crises? I damn sure wouldn't. He should keep himself busy inventing another internet and writing books with Tipper. And staying out of trouble, thus keeping US out of so much. Al Gore President of the US? Puh-lease stop. You're going to make me have to purchase a new truss.


  • freedom96

    I happen to admire President Bush.

  • Realist


  • William Penwell
    William Penwell
    Among men, President Bush remained the clear favorite for the second year in a row.

    Ha Ha Hee Hee Hee.....

    I never had good laugh like this in a long time. Bush the biggest joke going.


  • Aztec

    Hey babe, I also vote for Michael Moore as the only man left with his head screwed on straight!!!

    Francois, I like you but ! You have to understand that GW Bush did NOT win the election! However he did manage to subvert the system so he can't be as stupid as we like to think. I didn't vote fot the dummy on the right or the dummy on the left. I voted for Nader!!!

    As far as woman I most admire...hmmmm....

    I still have a thing for Mother Theresa....


  • Realist

    Aztec i like you!

  • Reborn2002

    Francois, again your so full of shit it is laughable.

    I couldn't help but chuckle last time you said something ignorant to me regarding Arabs, but Focus trounced you so thoroughly I did not need to add anything further to the discussion.

    To view that example click here:

    Now, back to the topic at hand, regarding politics, yet again you demonstrate your blatantly biased agenda supporting Republicans even in the face of facts.

    You say:

    Au contraire! The US Supreme Court indeed said he was elected by the people.

    Bullshit. You contradict yourself in your own statement. The Supreme Court speaks for the people? The opinions of nine outweight the actions of over half a million American citizens? I think someone needs to go back and look at the facts.

    As anyone can see by looking at the chart regarding total votes, Gore received over HALF A MILLION MORE VOTES by the people in the popular vote. Simply stated, the will of the people was not heard becausethe man who recieved over half a million more votes was not elected President. The decision was instead placed into the hands of the Supreme Court who ironically had the Justices who voted in favor of Bush appointed by his daddy and Reagan (both Republicans). Francois is being a hypocrite yet again in this instance, but we will get to that later.

    Francois rambles further:

    Voting Rights Commission did not - in all it's lengthy and bloviating hearings - did not come up with ONE, not ONE, person who said they were prevented from voting.

    May I direct you to but one article I found of hundreds concerning this topic. I'll use the Washington Post since they are one of the more respected and credible sources for news.¬Found=true

    175,000 votes not counted? Not that it matters anyway. The record shows that Bush won Florida by a measly 537 votes. With 175,000 votes not counted in Florida? HMMMM. You do the math dipshit.

    It is an already established fact over 500,000 more people voted for Al Gore. When you take into consideration the disenfranchised African-American community (175,000 tossed out votes in a community that 90% of blacks vote Democratic, again you do the math.)

    Francois blabbers further:

    Preventing the all-democrat Florida Supreme Court from making any descision in this election was only prudent, as we have seen.

    Right. I suppose allowing the Republican-inclined United States Supreme Court to make the decision concerning the election was prudent despite the obvious choice as made by the number of people voting for Gore?

    Let's have a look at documentation of the case Bush vs Gore and also some history and biographies of the current Supreme Court Justices.

    then have a look at the current Justices of the Supreme Court.

    For the biography of each individual Justice simply click the link beneath where I put their name and who they were appointed by.

    Rehnquist - appointed by Nixon (Republican) named Chief Justice by Reagan (Republican)

    Stevens - appointed by Ford (Republican)

    O'Connor - appointed by Reagan (Republican)

    Scalia - President Reagan named him to the federal Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, and four years later he was nominated to the U.S. Supreme Court, taking the seat vacated when William Rehnquist ascended to the position of chief justice. (Republican)

    Kennedy - appointed by Reagan (Republican)

    Souter - appointed by Bush (Republican)

    Clarence Thomas - In July, 1991, President Bush nominated Thomas to the Supreme Court, to replace Thurgood Marshall. (Republican)

    Ginsburg - appointed by Clinton (Democrat)

    Breyer - appointed by Clinton (Democrat)


    Skewed towards Republicans a bit isn't it? 7 out of 9 were appointed by Republican presidents. They know where their bread is buttered, and they acted accordingly.

    The United States was founded on the notion of checks and balances, but no checks and balances are in place when you have a Republican executive branch, a Republican legislative branch, and a Republican judicial branch.

    Just thought I'd let you know your a hypocrite Francois, but you amuse me anyhow. I enjoyed using facts to expose your nonsense.

    Edited by - Reborn2002 on 28 December 2002 19:21:24

  • Celia

    BUSH, THE MOST ADMIRABLE MALE...... Gosh, I can't stand the man.... He's a fake, a spoiled rotten rich brat. He can't talk, and he's bent on sending thousands of young americans to their death in Iraq and doesn't care a bit about all the women and children who are going to be slaughtered over there either....

    Colin Powell takes my vote. Jimmy Carter, certainly. Farkel, certainly. Simon, Ray Franz, Bill Bowen, anybody but Bush...

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