This board means more than you think.....

by Tatiana 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • orangefatcat

    I am very glad you are back on the board and have the the same feelings many of us have that the board means so much to many of us. It has been a real life saver for many. This cat welcomes you back!!

    Love Orangefatcat


  • Francois

    April I think this board is just as you have described it. Sometimes it's hard to realize what a vital role somone or something has played in your life until later after you've had a chance to think about it for awhile.

    I personally think that the most important role this board, and these people who populate it provide a technique for something we often overlook. In our long, long evolution from an animal-origin being to pure spirit we are bound to fall down. We are bound to stumble and fall many times. Nothing unusual about that. The real question is, after having fallen down will we get back up get on our feet and start all over again? Because of the encouragement (of all kinds) we find here in this group, I feel few of us fall down and just can't bring themselves to get up and get going again. There are too many people here willing to kick us in the patootie and give us reasons to keep on going. We just can't let it ever be found true that we were more motivated as JWs to do what we know we need to do. In fact, as JWs we were just following prescriptions from a cult. Here, we respond to the leading of the spirit whereever that leading should take us.

    I'm very happy to have people here who will say, "get up off your kiester and get busy living, or you WILL be busy dying."

  • JeffT


    Glad to see you back. I discovered message boards several years ago, although I haven't been here that long. I've always regarded most of the people I talk to on the net as friends. I've shared good times like anniversaries, and bad times, like my Dad having a stroke. Most people want to here about the good times, and will be there for you in the bad times.

    Jeff Thomas

  • Mum

    April, it's good to have you back. First, Happy Belated Birthday!

    I'm so sorry for what you've been through. So many people have been going through trying times over the last few years. I admire you for your courage and good humor in the face of adversity. E-mail me if there is anything I can do to help you, as things are pretty good for me right now (the best in my life so far, in fact).

    If that is your real photo that you post here, you certainly are blessed with good looks. You are blessed with a great disposition and a kind and compassionate spirit as well. If anyone, including your employer, does not appreciate you for who you are, they don't deserve you.

    I hope some encouraging words lift your spirits.

    Thank you for posting "fluff" today because I'm much more struck with people's struggles and triumphs than their research.



  • kelpie


    I have not had the pleasure of meeting you yet but would love the chance to do so. I am just on little aussie down under.

    Feel free to email me if you ever need someone to talk to.



  • moman

    April, you are needed & wanted!

    We have all been there in some way.

  • think41self


    I'm glad you're still here.


  • Windchaser

    (((((April)))) Everyone has already said what I am feeling about your post. I wish I could have been there for you when you were going through such an awful time in your life. You give so much to others. You are such a special person and it touches me so much to be considered your friend. ((((April)))) I'm not good at this and I know I am probably sounding sappy, but thank you. Thank you for being you.

    It is sad that you have had to be away for so long. Lilacs is right. Your son should let you keep his computer.

    Love you,

    Oh Yeah!!!! HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • jst2laws

    Hello Tatiana,

    How nice to have you back and for you to finally share these feeling.

    I've been here a while, and have told some of my stories to you, but I haven't been totally honest. I've tried to act cheerful, and offered advice to a few. Told some jokes, posted some of my favorite songs. Mainly acted like I was ok, and most was right with the world.

    Now was that dishonest are just a kind effort to be positive and upbuilding to others here? Many are hurting and we all need what you offered. You may have been,however, unfair to yourself to hide your own needs. I'm glad you are speaking up now. I wonder how many people can be helped, even saved, if we can just teach them to talk about their bad feeling.

    One other thing, in desperate times it is best to have direct access to a friend or professional. It might be good to share phone numbers with a few you truly TRUST. Then when you feel dangerously down, whoever you are, you have someone to talk to directly, as well as sharing here.

    Just my thouhts.


  • Beck_Melbourne


    You're a real sweetie and its an honour and a pleasure to have the opportunity to interact with you here.

    Welcome back and Happy Belated Birthday Hun...I've always enjoyed your posts and have been quite have a wicked sense of humour like Windchaser LOL.

    Its great being part of a community with people like you don't be leaving us again ya hear!! Hugs.


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