Watchtower Society Given Prestigious Medical Award

by Derrick 31 Replies latest social current

  • DannyBear

    Derrick and Scooby,

    Taking the 'high road' here in this place is easy for fella's like you. You slither around representing yourselves as jw's in one form or another, yet continue to post here on this nefarious 'apostate site'.

    I tell you what, you two are really the epitime of self agrondizing con artists. You have convinced yourselves that you are better than the average jw, thus allowing you to ignore the advice and policy of the wtbs in seeking out association with vile apostates.

    You utilize this forum for your own self promotion, yet when confronted with facts, questions, sincere observations, you simply ignore them. What two pompus self absorbed dingbats you really are.

    Rick your above post betray's your angst, you just simply can't bear the fact, that you have no answers. All you want to do is present a your fairyland vision, of how YOU visualize it to be. Unable to face the reality, you look for any tidbit of 'positive' in a cess pool of pure caca!

    You and your friend Scooby are not worth paying attention to. Take your judgemental attitude and spout it off at the local Kingdom Hall and see how long it takes for the elder's to throw you out on your ear!

    Funny thing is you can spout off stuff like you just did, yet Simon will tolerate your foolishness.......hows that for a POSITIVE????????

    Danny 'Fed up Class'

  • deddaisy
    It's obvious so many suffer deep seated biases, isn't it? Bias is often the byproduct of fattened egos. Little do they know these traits starve the soul of oxygen, preventing mental, emotional and spiritual growth. These traits smother the ability to think outside the box.---------Derrick

    And with this next statement of yours, you prove this true:

    Let us pray that God helps reclaim these many lives who have succumbed to the spiritually depraved environment on the internet where people actually glamorize spiritual death and life outside of God's Kingdom.-----Derrick

    Let me get this straight, you, a person who has taken it upon himself to sit in God's seat in judging posters who disagree with a man-made doctrine, are going to pray for us? and who is bias? LOL........

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