Watchtower Society Given Prestigious Medical Award

by Derrick 31 Replies latest social current

  • Incense_and_Peppermints
    It's as if many of you are afraid to mention anything positive just in case it might reveal that Jehovah's Witnesses are humans who keep trying, even after various human failings, to make a positive impact on this world.

    i thought it was understood that jehovah's witnesses want to make absolutely no impact on this world at all. any efforts they make regarding the blood issue are selfish in that it serves their own organization.. whatever trickles down to the rest of the world is accidental. they could care less what happens to us worldlies and you know it. you imply altruistic motives where there ARE none. so they won an award, woo-HOO. i don't see them volunteering at soup kitchens, abused children shelters or habitat for humanty.

    your assertion that pposters here are afraid to mention anything positive about them for fear of them being portrayed in a positive light is erroneous.... we don't have to fear or suppress any positive narrative regarding jehovah's witnesses. their black deeds, greed and cruelty more than overwhelm any positive overtures made by them.

  • RedhorseWoman

    waiting made an excellent point. While it is true that doctors have been forced to develop alternatives to blood transfusions that are safer, the fact that JWs are not really given a choice in the matter tends to lessen the shine of their "contribution". Too many have died in sacrifice to a bogus doctrine. And those who valued the life God gave them most likely lost all of the associations in their lives.

    The "honor" has a dark side.

  • deddaisy

    Parents Who Smoke Given Prestigious Award By Bic

    If not for all the parents who smoke and have had fires started and their homes burned down by children playing with their lighters, the innovation for Bic's child-proof lighter may have very well never been realized. Before Bic designed this little wonder, still available in a rainbow of colors, numerous homes were burned to the ground and hundreds of lives lost by fires caused by little ones playing with their parents' lighters! Since the introduction of the Bic child-proof lighter, lives have been saved from ravaging fires and even non-smoking barbequers can sleep peacefully in their tents, assured that the toddlers won't be burning the forest down!

    It is for this reason, for these many lives saved, that we present smoking parents with this innovating award. If not for the multitude of deaths and damage caused by children playing with smokers' matches and lighters from yesteryear, Bic very well may have never been inspired to design the innovating child-proof lighter which remains on the cutting edge of technology! Thank You Smokers!

  • Derrick

    The anger is so great toward the Watchtower Society on this forum that the proverbial winds carry the screams clear to Heaven no doubt.

    The greatest healing that can take place here is for those of you who are burning with anger and rage toward the Society to allow God's love to triumph in the final hour.

    As they will never forgive you this side of Armageddon, you all must forgive them. This is the time for the former "students" to show they are greater than their "masters" when it comes to the true spirit of Christ.

    As long as many of you continue to harbor hatred for them in your hearts, and others of you nurture anger and rage towards the "Borg," you will never leave your cocoons and fly free toward your destinies.

    "I feel the conflict within you. Let go of your hate." (Luke Skywalker; Star Wars Episode VI, Return of the Jedi - 1983)


    Edited by - Derrick on 3 December 2002 9:47:57

    Edited by - Derrick on 3 December 2002 9:48:47

  • Incense_and_Peppermints
    The anger is so great toward the Watchtower Society on this forum that the proverbial winds carry the screams clear to Heaven no doubt.

    i'm not angry. i just tell it like it is. why does it vex you when people tell it like it is...? peace out, bro.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    When did disagreement become "anger" or "hate"? You took a stand. People have pointed out graphically the other side. Diverting the subject on to a personal level does not help make your point.

    Be aware that the stand on blood will change before this decade is out. If you think people are angry now, just imagine how angry a parent whose child died because of this issue will be.

    If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? - Merchant of Venice

  • TR

    Come on, Derrick. Don't be a retard.


  • ScoobySnax

    Derrick, I posted in a similar vein (no pun intended) on the blood forum here just recently, and mostly met with the same, if the witnesses sit back and do nothing they are murderers, if they try to do something and work with emerging technology (as in the blood cell saver machine), they are still in many peoples minds here, not just murderers, but "in it for themselves" murderers /publicity seekers/trying to cover the asses....etc etc You are asking the impossible to expect most here to give the Witnesses any sort of recognition as far as positive is concerned, only the negative will do. Everyone Welcome says the banner from this site, yes you are, but ONLY if you follow the line, and you get the drift surely by now what that line is. It is their site after all.

    I feel your Conflict--Let go of your hate.....good quote. But if they did, this site would be gone by next week. You're not a Retard as said earlier, just a small fish in a big pond here. Take care

  • deddaisy

    I beg to differ Scooby, I didn't claim that the witnesses are "in it for themselves." Witnesses simply do what they're instructed to do. The WTS on the other hand, is not concerned with blood alternatives because it's worried about a shortage of blood in the world! No, it's more like they're worried about the possibility of lawsuits. Because of deaths the WTS doctrine is responsible for.

    If not for all the parents who smoke and have had fires started and their homes burned down by children playing with their lighters, the innovation for Bic's child-proof lighter may have very well never been realized.

    I said nothing against the Witnesses or WTS, I presented an analogy.

    If not for all the parents who smoke = If not for parents that practice WTS doctrine

    and have had fires started and their homes burned down by children playing with their lighters=and who's children face having their lives prematurely lost for adhering to their parents' doctrinal books

    the innovation for Bic's child-proof lighter =the innovation for a blood alternative

    may have very well never been realized.=may have never been realized.

    you're just looking at all the negativity regarding smokers.

  • Derrick

    Thanks, ScoobySnax. A metaphor came to my mind as I read your reply. Your kindness shown to myself and others represents one of many tiny but significant ice cubes that miraculously survived its perilous journey down this raging river of molten lava. I have observed those who speak independently are quickly outnumbered by crowds of angry respondents who want to stomp them down. It's a real-life horror drama the film version which could be named "Night Of The Spiritually Living Dead." Mobs seem to form and gravitate to topics such as this one. They feast together on visitors, and vent emotional steam at anything that seems to speak kindly of their arch-nemesis the Watchtower Society.

    I appreciate your kind words toward others on this forum such as myself, thus demonstrating your complete lack of spiritually suffocating bias. It's obvious so many suffer deep seated biases, isn't it? Bias is often the byproduct of fattened egos. Little do they know these traits starve the soul of oxygen, preventing mental, emotional and spiritual growth. These traits smother the ability to think outside the box. Poisonous carbon monoxide is the main byproduct of this negativity, and we know what happens to those who breath its fumes, i.e., emotional retardation, loss of common sense and the ability to think logically, inability to clearly reason, and a host of spiritual maladies. It's truly a very sad situation, ScoobySnax! Let us pray that God helps reclaim these many lives who have succumbed to the spiritually depraved environment on the internet where people actually glamorize spiritual death and life outside of God's Kingdom. Many are discovering the hard way all glitters is not gold as these promoters promised them.


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