5 Worst things About JWs

by SwedishChef 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • SYN

    Good posts guys, esp. Queenie and Garbo. SwedishChef, try going for a bit more of a verbose style, like your other posts, tersity (is that a word?) doesn't suit you!


    1. Protecting child molesters.
    2. The Youth Book. ("Y00pH") Also known as the "No Real Christian Would Ever Squeak The Ewok And If You Do You Must Tell A Mature Christian About It So That They Can Call In The Elders On Your Pale White Ass" book.
    3. My Book Of Bible Stories. (Translation: My Book Of Bible Stories Created To Scare The **** Out Of My 3 Year Old Impressionable Ass)
    4. Dishcloths and Determining Of Intent Via Means Of Thongs.
    5. Judicial Committees ("Starr Chambers")

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Add to the list:

    (1) Intolerance and brutal punishment of dissent; and related to that (2) the pretense to the public that they are open-minded and non-judgmental;

    (2) Supression of individuality and its expression through use of one's unique gifts and talents, in some cases genius;

    (3) The absence of a social consicience and denigrating of JW involvement in charity, humanitarian acts and/or philanthropy and the pressure exerted against those with the temerity to resist such pressure at the urgings of their conscience;

    (4) The unwarranted sense of moral and spiritual superiority; perpetuation of the myth that JWs have a monopoly on decency, morality and honesty, all against a mountain of objective evidence to the contrary;

    (5) Despite their protestations to the contrary, their veneration of a fallible human organization

    And so on; ad infinitum, ad nauseum

  • ozziepost

    I prefer Roomie's list!

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    So do I.

  • Dia

    Worst things after all those?

    1) They're still here.

    2) There are currently no laws against them continuing to do what they do. To innocent and vulnerable people. To their families. To their own children.

    3) They succeed far too well in maintaining their 'secrecy'.

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    Dia said:

    1) They're still here.

    I agree. That could change soon (if it's God's Will).

    2) There are currently no laws against them continuing to do what they do. To innocent and vulnerable people. To their families. To their own children.

    Well, for the most part you are unfortunately correct.

    However, there most certainly are Laws against covering up child molesters (especially in locations where they do not have "Clergy Exemption")

    3) They succeed far too well in maintaining their 'secrecy'.

    True, but 2002 was the best year ever in exposing the evil and wickedness!

    I have a feeling 2003 may be better.

  • Skeptically Yours
    Skeptically Yours

    Hi y'all!

    Also, inside the org, 'rank has its privileges' big time! And, it's not what you know, but WHO you know!

    When I decided to return, I was reinstated almost instantly just because I was the daughter of a well-known and liked elder and pioneer. Cool, huh?!

    Also, I've seen time and time again the same sin, under the same circumstances be punished more harshly for the person who's per say a 'nobody' when it comes to rank and family history in the org.

    Sickening, I know. Just a few of the things I struggle with.

    Take care!

  • clash_city_rockers

    This is in response to garboru comment,

    Look it is a matter of doctrinal fact that JWs do not believe in sola scriptura or the bible alone is the final authority, nor do they believe in the suffeciancy of scripture for those doctrines are abhorred by them. To them it is bible + WT and its publications.



    Sports are bad 4h?

    That means the entire congregation I use to attend is bad bad bad. People would get togeather and play OMG football!, Vollyball!, Baseball! Tag! Dam Sinners

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