[Day 7 - 5/8]The Royal Commissions investigation of child sexual abuse within Jehovah’s Witnesses. + VIDEO

by C0ntr013r 37 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • TheOldHippie

    OrphanCrow, when you say that "The JWs were arrested in Germany because they wouldn't stop spreading political propaganda around and calling it "religious tracts". It wasn't that they were "non-military" it was because they were adversely political." -

    then you come up with the - sorry for saying so - most stupid statement of the day. A plain lie, and no matter what one thinks about present-day JWs and WT, that does in no way make it legitime to minimize their sufferings during WWII or to try to explain it away or claim it was their own fault. Shame on you in this respect. Downplaying past tragedies because of present-day policies is just plain wrong and bad.


  • OrphanCrow
    TheOldHippie: then you come up with the - sorry for saying so - most stupid statement of the day. A plain lie, and no matter what one thinks about present-day JWs and WT, that does in no way make it legitime to minimize their sufferings during WWII or to try to explain it away or claim it was their own fault. Shame on you in this respect. Downplaying past tragedies because of present-day policies is just plain wrong and bad.

    Sorry, it is not a lie what I said.

    I was reponding to the comments made on the stand. I wasn't the one who brought up the WTS' revionist history, Spinks was the one who did.

    My response was accurate. Spinks left out the known history of the JWs who had work assignments with the SS when he played the "JWs in the camps" card and he did not provide accurate information. The JWs in Nazi Germany were arrested for spreading oppositional propaganda - their arrests predate the start of WW2 by many years, long before Germany started military action, and they did have work assignments with the SS like building Heinrich Himmler's castle. If Spinks was going to bring up the role of JWs in WW2, then the whole story deserves to be told.

  • Vidiot

    @ Brokeback WT...

    "Decompartmentalize"... I like that.

  • flipper

    Finally had some time to watch the entire part 1 of Day 7 here. Wife and I are now watching part 2 of day 7 . Wanted to share certain parts of part 1 for those who haven't listened to it in entirety :

    At 40:00 to 43:00 minute mark the WT lawyer Toole states, " We always supply documents and information to the courts when they request them ". Liar .

    At 46:00 to 48:00 minute mark Toole states after reading Romans 13:1,2 about being in subjection to superior authorities that, " we are never encouraged to disobey the law - that would be in contradiction to Romans 13: 1,2 ". Obviously Toole ignores the fact that WT Society lawyers AND elders HAVE been in direct contradiction of the Romans scripture by NOT reporting certain instances of child abuse to superior authorities. They do NOT obey this scriptural " law " always. Many times they ignore it.

    At the 51:00 minute mark to 52:00 minute mark Toole states, " In the last 15 years when the authorities have requested information ( regarding child abuse ) we have completely cooperated ." More lies.

    The segment at the 58:00 minute mark and 1:04 minute mark gets pretty heated between Angus Stewart and Toole. Toole gets pretty adamant. Angus Stewart states, " It's possible to make a distinction between what the law may require and what is right and wrong. It's important to pursue the morality to report to do the right thing. " Then WT lawyer Toole's response was , " we can't violate the right of people to report child abuse if it doesn't serve their family's best interest. " Then Stewart replied, " But children may not have the power to report being abused by a parent. In this case elders DO have the responsibility to report child abuse in these cases. " Stewart stood his ground against Toole. Good job.

    Then at the 1:06 to 1:10 minute mark Stewarts questions get even MORE pointed towards Toole, he asks, " There are a list of case files of child molesters but no list of names in the service department ? " Toole replies, " They use the list of case files- no names. " Stewart asks, " Is there a list of the case files ? " Toole replies, " I don't know". Stewart mentions that in May of 2015 a subpoena was issued to the WT Society requesting a list of all people who were child molesters within the Witnesses . Toole replies, " We've attempted to comply. The Branch Committee isn't giving the list of names to the Governing Body, just case files. " Stewart seems befuddled as to why NAMES are not used - just case numbers.

    Then Stewart confronts Toole about BGC ( child abuse victim's ) letter to Toole asking for help to bring her JW molester dad to justice. Stewart asks, " What did you do regarding the letter. " Toole replies, " I don't recall. " Stewart says, " BGC wrote you my Father abused my 2 sisters and the matter has not been dealt with. " Stewart asks Toole, " What did you do after receiving this letter ? " Toole's reply, " I don't recall. " Toole says, " I think I would have taken it to the Service Department . " Stewart asks, "Did you follow it up to the Service Department ? " Toole replies, " I don't recall. "

    So Toole shows that towards the end of Day 1 that he suddenly developed a selective case of amnesia where he could not recall much of anything. These WT lawyers are nothing but snakes trying to slime their way out of responsibility for wrong actions regarding the reporting of JW child abuse

  • Retrovirus
    Mr Flipper, look forward to your thoughts when you reach the part where Toole states that he has never heard of Theocratic Warfare :)
  • Tornintwo
    I thought Toole was so slippery, dishonest and uncooperative, very bad advert for the 'truth'. McClellan and co must be frustrated as their genuine goal is to improve procedures in order to protect children, these guys are just obstructive.
  • flipper
    Wanted to bump Day 7 thread up for any who missed it, and I never saw Part 3 of Day 7 so it will make it a closer proximity to the top to finish watching this
  • Juan Viejo2
    Juan Viejo2
    C0ntr013r - you did a very nice job on all your video captures. Your streams seems to be better than those I watched and captured. Do you live in Australia perhaps?

    I noticed while capturing the stream that it seemed that there may have been some multiple pathways. I don't think I've ever seen anything quite like that except when watching a baseball game and flipping back and forth between regular vs HiDef channels. I'll sometimes notice as much as 30 seconds delay between them.

    I recorded the video on my primary computer (Windows 7 - now Windows 10) desktop it is hardwired to the router. I also recorded on my laptop, same router, but WiFi channel. The delay between the two was significant even thought source should have been the same. Sometimes the laptop would be ahead and other times behind the desktop.

    I also watched the hearings on my smartphone. It too was WiFi - from the same router - and it too was out of time with the other two computers, sometimes by well over a minute. When I switched from WiFi to 4G, it would usually line up with one or the other computers, but only off one way or the other by a smidgeon.

    I've done a lot of screen capture work and I know that cable TV and Internet timing is off significantly - but they are both coming from different sources. In this case the source was assumed to be the main computer or streaming system at the Commission HQ.

    Even then, there were several times on a couple of days when they clearly had some transmission difficulties. The good news is that the official transcripts are available as are the exhibits. What more can we ask for?


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