A Question To All You Women Out There

by SpannerintheWorks 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • DakotaRed

    From a male perspective, as this has happened a time or two, all I need is to be left alone and let to sit and relax a moment, before dragging out the endless Honeydo list.

    As far as kicking the cat, never. They just might leave me a surprise in the middle of my bed

    Lew W

  • MrMoe

    None of the above

    5. Shave his legs while he was sleeping, then lay the cat (sleeping) on him and toss in a glass of ice water on them both for an added zesty effect. No worries, the cat will dry, so it's all good. The claw marks tho may take some time to heal.

  • jgnat

    Correct me if I am wrong, but the average man doesn't have a compelling need to discuss his feelings, with anybody. (Assuming the cat thing was rhetorical) I would stay out of his way. At an opportune time (he's not breaking hinges anymore) I would ask him if he wanted to talk about it. If not, I would ask if he would like to be "distracted".

    I would add hinge fixing to his chore jar.

  • nilfun

    Immediate response:

    1) Leave him be for a while so that he can unwind

    2) give him a beer/something to drink

    After he has had a chance to relax:

    1) Backrub/shoulder massage

    2) Lovey-dovey kissy huggy asking if he wants to talk about it

    3) Never ever nag or force him to talk about it if he doesn't want to

  • Skeptic

    Mary, your reply cracked me up!


  • PurpleV

    Anybody who would kick a cat is obviously suffering from repressed rage. More than likely this is because he hates his mother, who gave him lots of enemas as a child. Repressed rage can be indicative of a more serious personality disorder, Certified Asshole Syndrome. Valium can make this personality disorder worse. Anyone encountering a man presenting acute CAS symptoms should NOT ignore them, they should grab the cat and go sleep over their mothers house for the night.

  • Francois

    Xena, yes boys are dumb. Men are not. Girls are dumber and never outgrow it (runs for door).

    Erm, what does it mean when your mother gives you lots of enemas?

  • Skeptic

    I was into the yelling thing. My spouse was into yelling, throwing things and breaking stuff. I am very good at ducking.

    Neither of us kicked a cat or any animal. But something she threw came within a hair of hitting our newborn son.

    There is no excuse for it, period. Adults can act like adults, myself included.

    Thats why I am for immediate separation. No one should live like that.

    Now, if the whole thing is rhetorical, then it is a separate issue. When I come home in a foul mood, the best thing is for me to be completely alone to recharge. I stew in my juices for a few hours, then realize it is time to snap out of it and I do. Until then, it is best for me to be left completely alone.

    Other people are the opposite. They recharge around people. For some, being around people is the best thing.


    Edited by - Skeptic on 19 November 2002 16:33:47

  • LucidSky
    The claw marks tho may take some time to heal.

    So will the detached cat limbs.

    Erm, what does it mean when your mother gives you lots of enemas?

    Francois, it means you have one sick momma.

    Xena, I want to have a bad day with you...

  • Lost Diamond
    Lost Diamond

    First of all, I wouldn't have a man around that was lazy and always in a crapy mood, much less kicked my cat around! But just for the sake of answering this question:

    I might ask what is wrong, but I find that most men do not like to talk about why they are angry. These feelings would need to come out on their own if he would want to share it with me. I wouldn't want him hooked on drugs, so I'd skip the Valium. I'd leave him alone and let him get over it on his own. When he cooled off I would treat him kindly and give him anything he wanted.

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