Demon Stories - lets hear them?

by hippikon 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • hippikon

    The more I listen to the religion argument the more atheist I become. Their are still some things that are hard to explain and most simply doesnt need explaining Who cares? Just because we dont know the explanation doesnt mean there isnt one!

    As JWs we all seemed to have demon stories and personal experiences to tell around the campfire As for me when I look back my experiences were natural phenomena (Sleep paralysis for instance) unintentionally embellished so I felt that I belonged Everyone else had stories of the demons I must have them as well. (Bit like the emperors new cloths) So what is your most unexplainable story of the supernatural?

  • gumby

    Demon story,

    When I was younger an Elder and close friend would often tell a "true story" of a study who had demons in her home. At this study the story went....that a voice would come out of her in a deep spooky mans voice, the couch would levitate!

    I heard of a story from my best friend when I was also young, 17..who said his cousins thru their quija board in the fire to get RID of it.....had voices coming out of the fire and "cussing" them out.

    My sister said she saw a little girl coming down the dark hall in the middle of the night ....after....she had watched "Rosemary's Baby". Their was no little girls in the home at the time.

    I could go on with more. I think these stories are?????????????and some baloney

    Edited by - Gumby on 12 November 2002 9:35:50

  • Tatiana

    A couple of stories from our congregation.

    Brother Smith traded a Watctower and Awake for a strange book while out in service in Pawley's Island, SC. He brought it to our house later and showed it to my mom. She told him it was a "spell" book. He got scared and tried to burn it in the backyard. It wouldn't burn! (I didn't actually SEE this-my mom told me!)

    The Scott family moved into a trailer and it was supposed to be demonized. Their were chairs rocking, bumping noises in the walls. When the brothers went to investigate, one of their BIbles flew across the room. Strange noises under the place. They had to move. ( I DID hear a tape of this-I was scared for months) Probably sewer pipes expanding.

    And even with all the hard rock I was listening to, and horror movies I was watching, which was supposed to "invite them in", I never had any encounters. Damn!


  • Shakita

    No personal one on one experience here with any demon.

    But, I have heard plenty of tall tales while at gatherings.

    This one takes place in Brooklyn, NY. Some brothers were going door to door and were told not to work on a certain street because a house was known to be demonized. Well, not sure why they did end up on this street but, alas, these brothers found themselves there. They went up the steps of one of the old victorian homes. The brother knocked on the door. A man answered the door and said to the brother, "You were told not to come here weren't you." The man closed the door and the brothers proceeded down the steps and on to the next house. While walking down the street there were cats sitting on the curb. While they passed these cats they began talking to the brothers saying, "Get out of here. Leave. You were told not to come here." Freaky, huh. Talking cats? Oh well, if I were a demon, I certainly would use a cat to relay a message to we stupid humans.

    The closest I have come to knowing someone personally who was supposed to be "visited" by demons was the mother of one of my daughters friends. She insisted that a demon was in her house "bothering" her. This demon would speak to her and torment her saying terrible things. This demon would also abuse her sexually while she was sleeping or resting on the couch in her living room. I don't have any specifics on exactly how or what this demon actually did. She used to go to sleep listening to kingdom tapes to keep the demons away. And, she had many visits by the elders to help her with this demon "problem." She has sinced moved away, and I don't know if this demon is still entertaining visiting her.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • dsgal

    When I was 12 years old I was playing with a ouija board.It all seemed innocent enough but all of a sudden that very night strange things started to happen.I went downstairs while my mom had company and peed on the floor right in front of them.Then my appearance began to change.I developed yellow eyes and a real ugly face.All of a sudden my room got very cold, my bed started shaking and my body levitated.Mom called a priest in and I cursed at him and threw up green peas.He couldn't take it so he had a heart attack.In the end,the demon attacked his partner priest and he jumped out of the window and committed suicide.

  • Tatiana
    Tatiana this you? I think I saw you at the KH a few years back! LOL

  • dsgal

    I almost forgot the most frightening thing of all...My head was able to do a 360! It really freaked people out.

  • dsgal


    Can't see pic.I think something is messing with my computer.

  • sunstarr

    I remember hearing a story about a particularly haughty witness who felt untouchable because of being within God's "spiritual paradise." One night, while home with his family, this witness declared aloud that Satan could not harm him or his family. He began taunting Satan, claiming that nothing could befall them because they were God's people. Just then he heard a scream come from his daughter's bedroom upstairs. When he opened the door to his daughter's bedroom, he discovered that her head had been completely twisted around. Thus, a lesson was given to all good witnesses that you shouldn't taunt Satan.

    ........just then they realized that the killer's phone call was coming from inside the house!!! Oh, wait....that's another story.

  • Tatiana

    dsgal, if you wade through the silly love stuff, you'll see Linda Blair. In all her demonly glory!

    You know, it's funny. The things my mom and the brothers would tell me about demons when I was younger. First she said if I kept listening to all that rock music, I'd wake up one night and see one. When I started watching horror movies and reading Clive Barker, they said I'd let the demons in and they'd "play" with me. Then, years later when I asked her why I'd never gotten any "visits', like my anointed uncle and she claimed she had, she said it was because they knew they already HAD me!!!! They didn't have to try anymore!!

    What a bunch of bull.......

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