What Do You Like to Collect

by Kenneson 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • myself

    (almost) Anything moose related.

  • KKLUV155

    I love collecting ceramic white harp seals pups. My mother-in-law passed away a couple of years ago and she gave me her thimble collection so I thought I would continue adding to them.

  • heathen

    I have a collection of Italian hand gestures . lol

  • david_10

    I can't believe that no one's mentioned 8-Track tapes. I love my 8-Tracks and play them all the time...........there's something about that "ca-chook" sound that brings back memories. Also, I'm proud of my vinyl LP collection--------around 2,500. Everything from opera to Zydeco.


  • Skeptic

    Well, I tried collecting slaves, but it was much harder than one would think....

    Just going to try and collect woman, now, at my son's request.

    Just kidding, but my son did just make that request!

    Richard, who is content with his One

  • Cicatrix

    I collect songs with the word crazy in them, or that portray some sort of off the wall behavior in honor of my in-laws who told most of the community I live in that I am crazy.

    Let's see, there's "Comfortably Numb" by Pink Floyd, "Crazy" by Aerosmith, "The Dark Side of the Moon", that country song "Crazy"...can't remember them all at the moment.They're coming to take me away, haha, they're coming to take me away hehe, to the funny farm where life is beautiful all the time.....

    I also collect creepy stuffed animals. I have a bat, a snake, a manta, a spider, the Phantom of the Opera and Quasi Moto (but I guess they're not animals, technically speaking). My shark got chewed to bits by my dog, though.

    Oh, and I collect chicken statues, but they have to be either realistic or unique looking, not run of the mill birds.

  • kelsey007

    Mostly women

  • Vickie

    I collect nascar collectables, have a whole race room :) I also collect shot glasses, and spoons and lots of dust bunnies :)

  • scootergirl

    I collect cookbooks.......I know, it sounds boring, but for some reason it is an obsession with me!

  • Jesus Christ
    Jesus Christ

    Meteorites. I've even done trades with the Smithsonian and own of the most comprehensive collections of stony meteorites in the world.

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