Breaking news: US mass shooting

by Simon 20 Replies latest social current

  • krejames

    Fair and lucid argument by Momastery poster on facebook:

    In 2013, the number of American police officers shot dead in the line of duty = 27
    In 2013, the number of preschoolers shot dead = 82

    Two weeks ago, my second and fourth grade daughters came home from school and told me that they'd had a "code red drill in case someone tries to kill us. We had to all hide in the bathroom together and be really quiet. It was really scary but the teacher said if there was a real man with a gun trying to find us, she'd cover us up and protect us from him. Tommy started crying. I tried to be brave."

    My three-year-old nephew had the same drill at his preschool in Virginia. Three-year-old American babies and teachers—hiding in bathrooms, holding hands, preparing for death. We are saying to teachers: arm yourselves and fight men with assault rifles because we are too cowardly to fight the gun lobby. We are saying to a terrified generation of American children—WE WILL NOT DO WHAT IT TAKES TO PROTECT YOU. WE WILL NOT EVEN TRY. So just be very quiet, hide and wait. Hold your breath. Shhh.

    I've decided not to be very quiet, hide and wait anymore. I'm done offering prayers and condolences and instead I offer my fury and my creativity and my fire and my energy and my sanity and my love. I've joined my voice to the‪#‎gunsense‬ movement and I've got my beginner boots back on and I'm learning. If you are a gun owner who believes in sensible gun reform—let us join forces. If you are not a gun owner (like me and Craig) and you believe in sensible gun reform, let us join forces. If you are someone who can look at the statistics of gun violence in this country and refuse to enter a conversation about change: well—I don't even know what to say. Except that I'm not talking about taking your guns. I'm talking about taking your non-existent right to an assault weapon without a damn background check. If you can tell me that your right to an assault weapon without a background check is more important than my child's right to stop preparing for her own death at school—well then, I'll see you on the other side of the march.

    We've got BOOKS banned in this country to "keep our kids safe" but we won't ban assault weapons to keep them safe. Lord, have mercy. And please let us not use tired arguments like "Bad guys will get guns anyway." Yes, bad guys will also run red lights. We still have traffic laws. Bad guys will still rape.We still have laws against rape. Let us not be ridiculous while our babies are dying.

    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for pissed off parents to do and say nothing.

    Let there be peace on Earth and let it begin with the parents. Let us choose the lives of our children over the money of the gun lobby. Let us stop being quiet and hiding and get loud.

    Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America Everytown for Gun Safety
    Americans for Responsible Solutions Nicholas Kristof

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