So depressed...(world conditions)

by DanTheMan 32 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • TTBoy

    Just a thought - don't watch the worked for me when I worried. Now I don't worry so I can now watch it again.


  • Satanus


    The best advice i could give is to stop watching/listening/reading about the news. The responce could be, 'are you being an ostrich w your head in the sand'. Nope, not at all. One who stops taking in the news still hears what is going on from acquaintences or from this board. If you cut off the news for a week, you would feel happier. The reasons for fear aren't nearly as large as the media is drumming for. The media, of course loves violence, becuase it generates its revenue. The govt loves the media to keep people in fear, becuase it generates support for the govt's war.

    I recommend reading about some of the crises of the past 500 yrs. Read how they were described as so dangerous that the whole of western civilization could be collapsed once and for all. It will help you get more perspective of this mostly one sided war. Focus on your family, nature, or social stuff.

    I stopped reading/listening to news about a yr ago. It has done wonders at removing some of the stress, reducing my blood pressure. I read about what i decide i want to read. I generally hear what i decide i want to hear.


  • mamashel


    I'm so sorry your feeling down. Just remember a frown is only smile turned upside down!

    I know thats silly, but i thought it might make you smile. We are living in really hard times right now. everyone seems to be alittle on the down side lately. But we have each other to help lift us up.

    I have a new e-mail address: [email protected] - send me a note. Do you still have my number i e-mailed you? Give me a call if you want to talk.

    Hope you feel better soon.


  • DanTheMan

    Just to let you all know that I am feeling much better today, and thanks again for your responses (and e-mails).

    It seems like clockwork - Every week around Sunday evening I start to get into a real melancholy state of mind. Then on Monday I sit at my boring customer service jobby-job that really doesn't require my full brain power and the melancholy feeds on itself, and by the time I get home from work Monday night I'm completely in the dumps. Then on Tuesday things pick up again and I'm fine...until Sunday. Anybody else have a day of the week that you always seem to be depressed on? Must be the demons.

  • LyinEyes

    I don't like mornings ,,, Dan,, so I just don't get up till afternoon,, every morning will find me cranky and pessimistic............. lol...........Glad to hear ya feel better.

    Seriously, I have lots of days that are great others that are just miserable. So , we all know how you feel.

  • Sentinel


    I understand. You aren't alone! You are a worthwhile human being. Sometimes we just lose our way. With proper focus, we can rise above our fears and sadness, and the day suddenly has a whole new look!

  • Shakita

    Singing....."rainy days and Mondays.....alwaysss getsss meee downnnn."(The Carpenters, remember them, maybe I am dating myself here)

    Glad you are feeling better.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • jurs

    Glad your feeling better. The news can be depressing!!! I understand your comment about people hating us (americans). Alot of people around the world do. I've been able to travel some and its a bit disturbing how resentful people are of America . Thats just how life is.

    Many people in other countries have had to deal with this sort of fear but this is new to us. 9/11 has made everyone realize that were more vulnerable.

    The org. did offer comfort but it was a false comfort. Reality isn't always a bed of roses but its not all bad either. Stay away from the news for a while. !!!!! I think it would make anyone feel anxious.

    On a lighter note. As far a depression goes............. I recently got my hairstyling liscence. If I do great colors and cuts I'm very happy, but when things go wrong Ugggggggggg ! I get so down. Unfortunately if I have a bad hair day so does someone else!!!!!


  • WhyNow2000

    "How long can the U.S. hold off the barbarians at the gate? It seems like the pattern of history is, great civilizations rise, then start to rot internally, and eventually are destroyed by barbaric forces from outside."

    Do you mean like when England was a "great civilization" and the barbarians destroyed it...U.S.

    Read history more carefully.

  • DanTheMan


    I'm struggling to see the parallel between the current situation in the Western world and GB's demise as the dominant world power.

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