What TV shows couldn't you watch as a JW Kid?

by WTLies 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Beck_Melbourne

    I wasn't allowed to watch Knots Landing...and I was a grown up.

    Life was stink as a JW.


  • joannadandy

    • Scooby Doo
    • Smurfs
    • I Dream of Jeanie
    • Betwitched
    • He-man
    • Any tv show that remotely had a couple making out got turned off (along with a long protracted sound of disgust--and moaning of "uh so disgusting")
  • Undecided

    We never had a TV but several of my family were projectionist in theaters including my dad, and myself when they were on vacation. I saw all the old movies from the 40s thru the 50s.

    Ken P.

  • eyegirl

    i wasn't allowed to watch any of those either joanna!!!! couldn't figure out what the deal was with scooby doo......maybe mom concluded there was a little too much goin on in the 'mystery machine' heehee


  • myself

    Thank goodness for Nick at Nite many of these shows are shown there. I watched Bewitch the other day and you know what? The tv didn't turn itself back on when I turned it off.

  • caligirl

    No restrictions that I can recall outside of soap operas. We didn't have Cable until I was 10 or so anyways. My Mom was a pioneer (still is) and my Dad was a mechanic and worked part time out of our garage (and yes, other witnesses were the only ones who had a problem paying or expected a deal) I lived for summers when my Mom was gone and my Dad was out 'cause then I got to watch Days of Our Lives. Just had to learn to be quick with the remote if I heard Dad coming up the steps! We pretty much were a TV family once we got it. Couldn't get the people out of the house fast enough on Tuesday nights after the book study! The TV would go on as soon as the door closed behind the last person. If we weren't at a meeting we were watching TV! Come to think of it, I think TV is responsible for saving us kids from a life of slavery- we didn't have time to study anything!! I could study my watchtower in 20 minutes flat and be right back in front of the boob tube! All the kids in the hall that didn't have cable ended up pioneers! Thank god for cable television!

  • Scarlet


    I could have Gargbage Pail Kids cards

    Edited by - Scarlet on 11 October 2002 2:5:19

  • LyinEyes

    As a little kid, we only had 3 channels and they went off to that Dixie song at midnight.

    So after school we could watch a little bit of cartoons if everything was done before Dad got home.

    Missed all the good saturday morning cartoons, because of field service.

    Couldn't watch: Bewitched, Bossom Buddies, Three's Company, Twlight Zone, or even Happy Days.

    Seem's like I used to sneak a peek at Happy Days, but it came on the night of our bookstudy and I got to see 5 minuts of it before we had to go.

    My dad thought every show was perverted. He thought sex was in everything and it was wrong to watch it. He told us Bossom Buddies was wrong , because the Bible condemns men dressing up like women. He said, Three's Company was wrong because of the living arrangements..... bla bla bla. I knew he was off back then. Now I watch it all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAHAH Dad.......

    No wonder I am so naive and still craving the disco days, I never got to do any of that.....

    I am so excited in Shreveport they are opening a new 3 level nightclub called "Polyester, it will have 70,s 80,s and current music. I can't wait. I have to start on the 70's dance floor first. I never had my fill of Blondie, BeeGee's, Queen, Elton John, Donna Summer, or KC and Sunshine Band.

    See what depriving your kids of televison will do?? It will only delay the inevitable.....

  • Sentinel

    We couldn't watch Twilight Zone, Outer Limits, any vampire movies, or even Bewitched. We'd give it a try, but usually got caught. And I loved those types of shows. Some other JW parents were not as strict in that area, so sometimes we'd sneak and watch something we knew we weren't supposed to.

    What in the world were my parents thinking when they took me to the movies in the 50's to watch the release of "The Day The Earth Stood Still"? Now that was a movie. (Of course, mom was not quite a JDub then.)

    We also were told not to watch any shows with fighting, guns, murder, sex, ....well, you can imagine how that limited TV viewing for us. There were so many shows/movies that I only got to see a bit of. Funny, now with all the re-runs, I've just about "caught up" in finding out what really happened, or how a movie began or ended.


  • Valis


    GI Joe



    I Dream of Jeanie



    The ones I can remember...all too demonized for my own good...*LOL*


    District Overbeer

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