What TV shows couldn't you watch as a JW Kid?

by WTLies 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • KD

    I was not restricted when I became a JW in my late teens, but that was when "Star Wars" first came out. It was summer and a bunch of us went to the Drive-In and sat on the hoods of our cars. Of course there were several Elders with their families to keep an eye on us. After the movie was over there was a lot of talk between the Elders about "THE FORCE" and what it really ment.

  • CaptainSchmideo

    Sabrina the Teen Age Witch (cartoon version), Dark Shadows, Star Trek (my mom thought the transporter was too much like people appearing and disappearing like "gods".), Bewitched, anything with "Supernatural" in the title.I appreciate the fact now that my mom wasn't trying to be cruel, she was just kinda ignorant and frightened, and worried about what others might think of her as a parent.Today, while I try to use good judgement with my chidren's entertainment, I am not so uptight as to keep them in a cave.

    In a side note, many years ago, I pointed out "The Man in the Moon" to my then eight year old sister in law. ; After she and her younger friend oohed and aahed in genuine surprise and delight, my very straight arrow mother-in-law just had to chime in and point out, "Even so, remember, it's still just the Moon!". ; Sigh, imagination is dead. ; Of knowledge and imagination, guess which one Einstein said was more important?

    Edited by - CaptainSchmideo on 10 October 2002 19:30:47

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    My mom thought the skits on the old Carol Burnett Show were too racy. But we still watched it.

  • Dismembered

    My mom thought the skits on the old Carol Burnett Show were too racy.

    yeah Misses a Wiggins and Mr. Tudball were really racy. Right BT he he he


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Well I never thought they were racy! Now the ones on the original Saturday Night Live (with Belushi, Akroyd, et al.) were the ones I really enjoyed. I would sneak up on Saturday nights after everyone was in bed to watch them. Beat the *#@! out of Carol Burnett.

  • Lin

    We couldn't watch Casper, but we could watch Bewitched. Go figure. We COULD watch Twilight Zone! I don't understand the whole Casper problem. It was pretty confusing to figure out why we couldn't watch Casper and a couple others already mentioned, but we could watch Bewitched and TZ. ? Oh well. I missed out on the smurfs too.

  • Mulan

    I was a kid in the 50's and there really weren't that many shows on TV. I can't recall any restrictions.

    When I was raising my kids, I wouldn't let them watch Speed Racer (someone mentioned that one), and I refused to buy Lucky Charms. Once we bought a package of an assortment of cereals in small boxes. Lucky Charms was one of them. We ate it. I may have eaten it!! I let them watch Bewitched and I Dream of Jeannie, but I know other families who wouldn't.

    I know Christians now, who won't let their kids see The Little Mermaid and Pocahontas. Who can figure?

    Now Princess will probably add a few.

  • stichione

    My mom wouldn't let me watch the original Star Trek. Why? Because, and she would quote the Bible:" Finally brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern...(Php. 4:8). Since Star Trek wasn't true, as I christian I shouldn't be watching it. What a load of crap I had to put up with.

  • Kenneson

    I was 14 when I joined JWs. I was reared by an aunt and uncle, but they were not strict. We didn't have a T.V., but I was allowed to go watch it at the neighbors. And there were no restrictions there. Boy, was I lucky or what? Never felt deprived in that area.

  • DanTheMan

    My Catholic parents wouldn't let us watch Three's Company. Too risque. Also, we had to beg and beg and BEG my mom to take us to see Star Wars (I was about 7 or so when it came out). The Catholic Times gave it a negative review and said that it didn't line up with Catholic values. My mom was a serious Catholic, she did whatever they told her to.

    But, we ate Lucky Charms to our heart's content...lol

    Do you remember Nicco Wafers? One time my mom caught me and my sister playing "Communion" with them. She was not happy with this, to say the least! I think we got sent to our rooms for a while.

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