Aren't the elders supposed to visit df'd ones?

by buffy 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • roybatty

    Actually, elders are suppose to stop and visit on df'd or da'd ones who no longer are "sinning" according to the Society's rules. For example, if you were df'd for immorality and are still living with someone whom you're not married to, the elders will most-likely not be stopping by. On the other hand, if you were df'd for immorality and are not in the above circumstance, the elders will keep a tab on you and probably stop by when they need to get more field service time.

    Anyway, these is how I understood the instructions from the Big Cheeses in Crooklyn.

  • roybatty


    You're 100% right. I do have to give the elders whom I served with some credit. Though we were a small body (varied from 4 to 6 elders) we'd meet at least one evening a month to specifically call on those in our area who were df'd or inactive. Some of the time we were just unwelcome guests but other times individuals who didn't desire to come back to the "troof" just needed someone to talk to and we'd sit and chat with them. It always bummed me out that we wouldn't/couldn't do more for these individuals then a "once a year visit." Some of them came from really screwed up families and just needed someone to lean on and we'd be there only to "encourage them to come to the meetings." Pisses me off just thinking about it.

  • happy man
    happy man


    Did you here anything about this rumor that thee french have a letter that they must vote, and vote siro.

    And what was the qestions you ask them?

  • imanaliento

    i'd have to read their flock book, but i thought it was once a year.

    Can you see that shepard going out to find that lost sheep only once a year.

    p.s I don't consider myself lost but if I wassssssssssss.

  • Yerusalyim

    If mental masturbation were grounds for DF most Elders would be in trouble, and the GB would have been out a long time ago.

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    It is supposed to be once a year. Every congregation is supposed to keep a list of disfellowshipped ones in their territory and call on them once a year to enquire if they want to make attempts to come back. Generally there's no discussion of the individual's current situation, someone is just assigned to do it. Some COs, but not all, ask about this and want to know who has been called on. In many congregations though, this pretty much falls through the cracks.

  • Disengaged


    you have right on the money!

  • SweatPea

    I'm one of the lucky one's. My brother is an elder in a Columbia, SC congregation. I received my invitation last October to come back to the flock. Reckon I'll get another invitation next month?

    There is one thing for sure.........he will not be paying a visit to my home!!!! My siblings will not and have not ever been to my home.

    Last year when he confronted me, I was in his territory. I'll stay out of that area next month.

  • plmkrzy

    Aren't the elders supposed to visit df'd ones?
    and risk being infected with apostacy

  • mouthy

    What you didnt get a visit??? I did I was DF in 1987 cos I didnt believe Jesus came in 1914

    They came to visit LAST March-to ask if I would like to be reinstated-they said they came cos they love me- I said it took 15 yrs to tell me you love me.??/

    I know why they came -as my name says -MOUTHY, I have done to much exposing Sally Jessie Rapheal, Shirley show- Roughcuts, C.B.C. I go to churches & tell them waht to say to the dub that calls.

    I told them I would love to be reinstated...... on conditions!!!!!!

    I wonder why I wasnt reinstated????? I wrote & asked bethel to let me know why-

    Was it because I said I want to think independantly- or because I wanted to tell in the cong: that they joined the UN. Or maybe because I wanted to tell the cong: about all those who died from no organ transplants.Or that I said I would preach the WAY! TRUTH! LIFE!!!! which is JESUS NOT the WT.

    BOO HOO rejected AGAIN-----------Only kidding guys

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