Aren't the elders supposed to visit df'd ones?

by buffy 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • buffy

    Maybe someone can answer this. I thought that elders made it a point to visit df'd ones like 1 a year to see if they've thought about coming back, etc. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy they haven't come to see me. But, I remember elders going to visit df'd ones when I was still in the borg. Has this practice stopped? I know they visited a friend of mine after she was df'd a year, and that was just 2 years ago. They invited her to a meeting and asked is she wanted to start studying again.

    Just wondering.


  • happy2b

    Yeah, they told me the same thing. That they would visit me in a year after I ds'd myself. But, nothing! But, that's the way it's always been. They only do certain things when the traveling overseer is visiting, remember? hehe

    take care,



    Yes they are supposed to visit DF persons once a year. This was according to an article in the WT back in 1989-1990 somewhere during that time.

    They are also supposed to be a lot of other things but most I find these days just go through the motions and do the bare minimum. They also will not visit DF ones if they suspect that you may be an apostate. In my experience the Elders will not bother to seek you out if you have any dirt on them either, i .e. you know that they have sinned or anyone in their family has. They do not want it exposed so the more you stay away the better.

  • DakotaRed

    They're also supposed to stop by and encourage inactive ones, offering any spiritual assistance they can. Unless you are their most popular list, don't hold your breath waiting.

    WHile inactive and long before DAing myself, they stopped by once and asked why I wasn't attending any more. When I explained, they agreed it was a very harsh situation, but their only answer was that they couldn't offer any help until my meeting attendance and service hours were up. In other words, solve it yourself and get back to meetings.

    Lew W

  • Hmmm

    Please don't remind them!

  • Dismembered

    Those poor "elders" are just to busy. Except if it's fornication or adultrey then it's on with the suitcoat and out the door .........whoosh.......... faster than the speed of light.


    Exactly CF, that's why the "elder" arrangement should be disbanded

    Edited by - Dismembered on 27 September 2002 10:40:53

  • City Fan
    City Fan

    Seems to me that people complain if elders visit or pester DF persons and people complain if elders don't visit or ignore DF persons.

    They're almost in a no win situation.

  • benext

    The elders will officially visit a person viewed as "inclined" toward returning. Maybe they have attended meetings. They will view a person as "unqualified" for a visit if they are still engaging in practices that led to their disfellowshipping. I believe an announcement is made in the KM as a reminder.

  • ThiChi

    Its funny, the Elders have lots of time to take advantage of all the "fun" aspects of being an Elder, Public Talks, Dinner invites, Circuit Assembly Parts, etc., however when it comes to the most important aspects of the position (serving, shepherding the flock) they are too busy!

    Talk about being "...greedy for dishonest gain..."

  • Wolfgirl

    I sent them a letter, asking for answers to questions that had been bothering me. They never replied, and told my sister when I questioned them months later (coz they wouldn't talk to me directly) that they didn't reply because I sounded "argumentative." Or maybe it was just coz I asked a lot of questions they couldn't answer.

    If they came to see me now, they'd hear a thing or two.

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