'Prepare for Banning' A HOAX! READ INSIDE

by ashitaka 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    This really is nothing new, if it's true. It's just a reminder to the rank and file that these things *could* come in some unidentified time in the future. They were always telling us crap like that when I was in there. Reminding us of the brothers over in (insert country here) that were suffering persecution and how we should be constantly aware of eathly events because "times hard to deal with" could be upon us any day now. Pfft. Yep, it caused me a lot of nightmares like: What's gonna happen if the soldiers have a gun to my head and they ask me where brother (insert brother or sister's name here) lives? Will I tell them?" Lots of stress for little kids AND adults.. but maybe not as much. It's just their perennial paranoid rantings making evidence again because of the volatile world situation.

    I don't think it will come to drinking Kool-Aid or anything like that. Like someone else mentioned: it's just typical corporate downsizing, cutting costs to preserve revenue.

    Country Girl

    P.S. Bush just wants the oil.

  • Francois

    The Internet effectively put an end to the secrecy in which the WTBTS operated for so many years. Now with their cover jerked off them all around the world, they must come up with more creative ways in which to cow and control their members.

    This is just the latest suit of "Emperor's Clothing" that the Society is selling to their membership.

    Keep watching as this house of cards continues to collapse. This is gonna be fun.


  • coffee_black

    Or....it could be the perfect excuse to liquidate all their property and other assets without raising the suspicions of the rank and file. Could be a convenient smokescreen... Follow the money....


  • hamptonite21

    spk to my family member who is Jw. No such letter ever read- here at least.

  • ashitaka

    question to those who said they heard nothing from the fam yet. have they had this week's service meeting yet?


  • DakotaRed

    When I started studying, I was told a ban could come at any time. I heard that some were even buidling hideing places for Bibles and Insight books and such, as well as having covers put on Bibles and books to disguise them.

    It all sounded just as silly and assinine then as it does now. They are already playing the "persecution" card in regards to Silentlambs and some are content to see hysteria by claiming it is proof of the end comeing soon and being banned.

    Wouldn't it be much simpler just to correct their attitudes and stop persecuting those who really do try to help others?

    Lew W

  • Satanus

    If the wt chooses to stay the course, refuse to change, then, if this banning letter is real, it makes sense. It will shut most witnesses' mouths and ears, so they won't participate in the pedo scandal. It's an attempt to minimise damage, a full defensive tactic, IMO.


  • SloBoy

    Great post, thanks for the info.......another win/win attempt by the WBTS.

  • Jourles

    Alright damn it. I will plan on attending the Service Meeting tomorrow night and see what this is all about, even though I had the perfect excuse to get out of going. If I hear anything important, I will record it.

  • The Alchemist
    The Alchemist

    From 2000 years ago..."Emergency Emergency a tyrants plea" Not much has changed in 2000 years. "Time to clamp down now that the persecution is coming." Give me a break.

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