CO's and DO's meeting in the UK

by Jim Dee 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • UnDisfellowshipped


  • TTBoy

    Maybe I need to up my donation to $100 dollars then rip up both magazines. Tell them, "all you care about is money anyway, you pray for 6 billion people to get killed in Armageddon don't you?" Think of the gossip that would create! I guarantee they would be speachless!!! First they would be completely flaberghasted that someone would donate that! Second to see someone rip up their magazines infront of their face after giving them $100.......just someone ripping up the magazines would have made me relate the story to EVERYONE in my congragation.

    $100 to their 900 million revenue ain't dittly-squat anyway. Think how many congrations that type of gossip would get spread to. I think it would be extremely hallarious!

    Hmm now that I think about it..............any self-respecting JW would hand me back the hundred dollars after ripping up their literature......wouldn't they?

    I need to use the spell check option

    Edited by - TTBoy on 23 September 2002 18:26:44

    Edited by - TTBoy on 23 September 2002 18:28:17

    Edited by - TTBoy on 23 September 2002 18:33:17

  • og
    At the risk of being called a "Troll" again , I will share just one of the items discussed at the CO's and DO's emergency meeting

    Troll. In your first post on this subject, you claimed that this was an emergency meeting to discuss response to media coverage of the child abuse scandals. You offered no confirmation, and now seem to be backing away from this claim - there is nothing especially urgent about donation shortfalls, they're rather old news.

    Now you supposedly offer more confidential information, with no evidence beyond your say so. Were you at the meeting? Can you post a scan of the agenda?

    Really, you are a tiresome little fellow.

  • ItsJustlittleoldme


    Maybe the best way for Jehovah to save money would be to discontinue the 'spiritual food'.. It's been spoiled for years anyway..

    Edited by - itsjustlittleoldme on 23 September 2002 18:37:24

  • ballistic

    It comes down to this in my mind:

    FACT 1: The Newbies in the truth are not people off the street, they are mostly the offspring of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    FACT 2: The clear instructions from the Governing Body to avoid college educations and to volunteer your time to the society instead of working has now come full circle.

    RESULT: There is no money flowing into the society and the membership cannot afford to give out anymore.

    They are reaping what they sowed.

  • Simon

    I remember us having stacks of mags everywhere. I think every JW family did. You were always being encouraged to order more, think big etc... and you always felt a bit guilty about throwing them away (so you still had the old dual-color printed ones when photo-covers had been out for years)

  • expatbrit

    The change from fixed price to voluntary donations was done for obvious tax reasons. Theoretically, once the drop in donations offsets the monetary tax benefits of "the donation arrangement", the WT could return to a fixed price structure to restore its wounded cashflow.

    File that under "not very important speculations that the Creator definitely didn't promise."


  • spider

    I think there was a pressure to order a certain number of mags. I lowered my order to 2 and 2 close to when I was making an exit becasue I never got through placing them. But I was made to feel guilty for ordering so little.If I knew then what I know now I would have bloody well ordered 20 and 20, made myself look amazingly spiritual and then chucked them all away.

  • Jim Dee
    Jim Dee

    Troll I may be, but I am closer to the Borg than Og ever has been or will be.

    As you read the item you must have noted the comment that "I will share just one of the items discussed at the CO's and DO's emergency meeting". This is not what the meeting was about - but just the "official cover story" to go back to the congs with to explain their abscence.

    As to the main matters outlined in Jack Dowson's memo/fax I will leise directly with Bill/Bill I am hoping to get a verbatum in about 2 weeks and will fed straight to him - SL Bill has already noted on the last posting how close I am and how right the info I give is


  • Klaus Vollmer
    Klaus Vollmer

    Jim, thanks for the info.

    Until today the org is proud to have of each edited WT or AWAKE a lots of million copies.

    Now we hear that most of them are nothing more than garbage, resources for toilet paper.

    So I learn that the large edition is nothing than a bluff.

    Bluff the magic dragon .....

    they safe money on printed matter, focussing to have it when the sues are increasing in case of child abuse.

    they search out the moskito and leave the camels

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