
by DJ 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • DJ

    Hey everyone,

    I was moved by the sad news about IMA and his poor son's kindness to follow his dad's last wishes. (see thread entitled, "PLEASE READ") Anyway, it struck me as odd last night that I actually shed tears over this man. It just goes to show you I guess, that we really are a family here. Thanks for being here.


    Love, dj

  • BluesBrother


    A nice wam posting. It is true that we feel drawn here, perhaps because we can understand each other in a way that no one else can

    I was really encouraged by responses to a posting. Lets "Stick together", even if we disagree at times.

  • DJ

    Hello Blues! Nice to meet you I can't seem to find the thread you mentioned. I did a search with no luck. I guess I was really saddened by the news about IMA because my father is very ill and it struck me personally. I've dealt with the death of a loved one before and it is hard for me to reconcile that my dad is still a dub. I can only pray that God has mercy on him and I do believe that. It still bugs me though. dj

  • Mimilly

    We ARE family here. I know I've found 'home', and it's full of people who care - really care, and who do not hesitate to step up to the plate in one's hour of need.

    This is a special place indeed, full of very special people from all walks of life and living all around the earth.


  • DJ

    Hi Mim,

    Thanks for posting to my very unpopular got a bit mushy for a minute there. I am glad that I found this place. We all share a rotten past, don't we? I get sick and tired of being damaged because of the wt. I just want to have 'normal' what are they? I see these people living their lives and they look truly happy....are they faking it? The wt teachings can realy wreak havoc on a person, huh? I HATE what they did to all of us here! Liars, theives.....I want to scream it! Then I try to remember that they are just misled, blah blah, blah......I've had some rough things happen to me in my stupid little world but those false teachings and being raised in it is the worst thing I've been thru. Not even husband's in coma's and life support respirators or transfusions or death of a loved one or anything else I've lived thru is worse than what those teachings have done to my soul. I guess that's how I'm sure that they are Godless.

    ok, sorry........just venting........I know, you all have been there...................neva mind.....sorry I brought it up ...te...da.......I'm ready to back into the world and fake it, now~~~~~thanks for letting me cheer you up.........C ya! but really feeling more like x a million....grrrrr to the wt.

    p.s. did you get the job???? love ya Mim, dj

  • Gopher


    The wt teachings can realy wreak havoc on a person, huh? I HATE what they did to all of us here! Liars, theives.....I want to scream it! Then I try to remember that they are just misled, blah blah, blah......I've had some rough things happen to me in my stupid little world but those false teachings and being raised in it is the worst thing I've been thru.
    How true, how true! What is normal? I have no experience in "normal". Is everyone really faking it? I think not, but how would we know? I guess we just have to muddle along.

    Yes in a special sense of understanding, we ARE family here. You are so right.

  • Mimilly

    DJ - your thread is NOT very unpopular hon. Look how many people have viewed it!

    As for the job - I find out tomorrow, and I'm very nervous and extremely tired - fighting a cold and asthma. If I don't get the job - I'll just keep pluggin'.



  • DJ


    The job, I hope you get it. Another cold? Sheeesh. Did you ever try's some sort of a zinc lozenge that fights a cold big time. It either gets rid of a cold faster or totally stops it from coming. I know you are in Canada, so I'm not sure if they're available. if they aren't, let me know when you post and I'll e-mail you for your address and mail them to you. Girl, you get too many colds. This stuff works. dr. dj

  • queer_reality
    I HATE what they did to all of us here! Liars, theives.....I want to scream it!

    Oh, YES! Sometimes I have to be so very... circumspect. I escaped the jws years ago, in another area. Now I have a civil service job. I work with and for a few jws. One of them is an elder. Behind his back, he is called "Robo" which is short for RoboCop--he was a Military policeman in the Marines. He's a real assh*le. He happens to be my boss. (sounds: screaming, things crashing into walls and breaking) One of the r/f jws I work with once (in my presence) forgot himself and actually agreed with some criticism of Robo.

    I just want to have 'normal' what are they? Isee these people living their lives and they look truly happy....are they faking it? The wtteachingscan realywreak havoc on a person, huh?

    Yeah. I often do not even have a scale by which to measure something. For example, how much anger is reasonable in a given situation? Or what to expect from a friendship. As for happiness, well, I figure I'm doing good if I'm not depressed. For me, its pretty incredible just to feel content--as in not being conflicted. I've been told I need to raise my expectations. That I should expect to feel happy. That is such a peculiar idea.

    I feel so relieved to have found this board. (Thanks Simon!) Most folks just don't get it.

    I really do have to write up a bio so y'all can know a bit more about me. I'm really, incredibly screwed up.

  • ARoarer

    Hi DJ,

    I haven't posted here often in the last few months because life outside the Watchtower, among the human race has been good, and I have taken steps to shed the cult teachings that kept us blinded for so long. But, yes, this is like a family here on this board, bickering and all, and it is here that I have come over the last few years to find comfort, to vent, to research, to cry, and to celebrate, and to mourn the loss of those who have been taken ill here. Your are right to post what you did, because we truly are a sort of family here.

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